

...Anyone foundharbouring or assisting suspected royalists would be ruthlessly condemned andsummarily executed, whatever his nationality might be...   Anyone foundharbouring or assisting suspected royalists would be ruthlessly condemned andsummarily executed, whatever his nationality might beの読み方
Baroness Orczy 「The Scarlet Pimpernel」

...Then the daring plotter was to be surrounded and caught red-handed, in the veryact of aiding and abetting royalists, who were traitors to the republic...   Then the daring plotter was to be surrounded and caught red-handed, in the veryact of aiding and abetting royalists, who were traitors to the republicの読み方
Baroness Orczy 「The Scarlet Pimpernel」

... and ascertain if thetraitor royalists are there? Do you understand?”...    and ascertain if thetraitor royalists are there? Do you understand?”の読み方
Baroness Orczy 「The Scarlet Pimpernel」

... “And this way, particularly,” continued Porthos, “where they might expect the army of the royalists...         “And this way, particularly,” continued Porthos, “where they might expect      the army of the royalistsの読み方
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「The Man in the Iron Mask」

...Unlike other less fortunate Royalists of France, he neither fought in the country nor braved dangers in town...   Unlike other less fortunate Royalists of France,      he neither fought in the country nor braved dangers in townの読み方
Baroness Orczy 「El Dorado」

... “Oh! the last few weeks have been very profitable,” retorted Robespierre; “we have confiscated money and jewels from emigrant royalists to the tune of several million francs...         “Oh! the last few weeks have been very profitable,” retorted Robespierre;      “we have confiscated money and jewels from emigrant royalists to the tune      of several million francsの読み方
Baroness Emmuska Orczy 「The Elusive Pimpernel」

...But the Royalists not appearing,Massy contented himself with setting fire to Sir John’s iron-millsand furnaces, and in the evening marched back to Gloucester...   But the Royalists not appearing,Massy contented himself with setting fire to Sir John’s iron-millsand furnaces, and in the evening marched back to Gloucesterの読み方
H. G. Nicholls 「The Forest of Dean」

...The Royalists had already found here avaluable store of such things at the time they were defending Bristolagainst Fairfax...   The Royalists had already found here avaluable store of such things at the time they were defending Bristolagainst Fairfaxの読み方
H. G. Nicholls 「The Forest of Dean」

...On his leavingHereford the place was retaken by the Royalists, and becamean asylum for fugitive Roman Catholics...   On his leavingHereford the place was retaken by the Royalists, and becamean asylum for fugitive Roman Catholicsの読み方
A. Hugh Fisher 「Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Hereford, A Description」

...Heaccepted this offer, and left England early in 1816 forValparaiso, but the Royalists having regained possession of thatplace, he could not enter it until 1817...   Heaccepted this offer, and left England early in 1816 forValparaiso, but the Royalists having regained possession of thatplace, he could not enter it until 1817の読み方
Louis Becke 「The Naval Pioneers of Australia and Walter Jeffery」



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