...It is of rounder form and flattened from withoutinwards...
Édouard Cuyer 「Artistic Anatomy of Animals」
...—The headshould be wedge-shaped and rather foxy in outline, butthe skull may be rounder than the Pomeranian...
Mrs. Leslie Williams 「A Manual of Toy Dogs」
...The most common kinds of pheasants are about the size ofsmall domestic fowls, but have rounder, plumper bodies...
John H. Robinson 「Our Domestic Birds」
...The dorsal fin of adult males reportedly has athicker leading edge and a rounder form than that of thefemale...
Stephen Leatherwood 「Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises of the Western North Atlantic」
...His head was rounder and blunter than therat's, his feet were larger and softer, and hislimbs and his tail were shorter...
Alfred W. Rees 「Creatures of the Night」
...18-20) is rounder with conventionalized scroll-like markings...
Alfred M. Tozzer and Glover M. Allen 「Animal Figures in the Maya Codices」
...A globular vesicleis formed, the wall of which consists of two thin simple strata of cells; thecells of the outer germinal layer are rounder, and those of the inner layerflatter...
Ernst Haeckel 「The Evolution of Man」
...At one part (c) inside this hollow ball we find acircular disc, formed of darker, softer, and rounder cells, the dark-grainedentodermic cells (Fig...
Ernst Haeckel 「The Evolution of Man」
...However, the fore end is alittle rounder, and contains a small, almost imperceptible bulbous swelling ofthe canal...
Ernst Haeckel 「The Evolution of Man」
...The eyes arenoticeably larger and rounder than those of Papuans...
A. F. R. Wollaston 「Pygmies and Papuans」
...He was rounder, fuller, calmer in composition than Dürer, but never sostrong an artist...
John C. Van Dyke 「A Text-Book of the History of Painting」
...ounder and rounder grew the Atlantean's eyes, and he gaped like aschool boy in a side show...
Various 「Astounding Stories, February, 1931」
...The orbit of the earth wasat that time getting rounder, and so, as a secondary result, the speedof the moon was slightly increasing...
Oliver Lodge 「Pioneers of Science」
...They change their apparent shape as the sun carriesthem across its disk by axial revolution, being narrow as theypresent their edges to us, and rounder as we look perpendicularlyinto them (Fig...
Henry Warren 「Recreations in Astronomy」
anatomists tangles Grantham