

..."The first thing," he replied, "is to find out just how seriousour damage is, and then to see what we can do in the way of repairs...   The first thing, he replied, is to find out just how seriousour damage is, and then to see what we can do in the way of repairsの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Untamed」

...Five thousand was needed for the land and at least another thousand for repairs...   Five thousand was needed for the land      and at least another thousand for repairsの読み方
W. E. B. Du Bois 「The Quest of the Silver Fleece」

...The delays inlooking for a télègue, the repairs, the payment, the tea in the inn, theconversation with the dvornik, all served to amuse me...   The delays inlooking for a télègue, the repairs, the payment, the tea in the inn, theconversation with the dvornik, all served to amuse meの読み方
Leo Tolstoy 「The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Stories」

...It constantly repairs to the same spots,as testified to by the large heaps of its droppings which are to befound in the localities above alluded to...   It constantly repairs to the same spots,as testified to by the large heaps of its droppings which are to befound in the localities above alluded toの読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

... When all the cells, one after the other, are thus furnished, the outer cover, the mortar dome, receives a few repairs if it needs them; and the thing is done...        When all the cells, one after the other, are thus furnished, the outer      cover, the mortar dome, receives a few repairs if it needs them; and the      thing is doneの読み方
J. Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Mason-bees」

...The insect returns and repairs the damage...   The      insect returns and repairs the damageの読み方
J. Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Mason-bees」

...33): Repairs may be "executed withpromptness and despatch" by cementing on parts of other wings toreplace torn or missing pieces, or tissue paper may be used,providing the repairer is a skilful artist...   33): Repairs may be executed withpromptness and despatch by cementing on parts of other wings toreplace torn or missing pieces, or tissue paper may be used,providing the repairer is a skilful artistの読み方
Montagu Browne 「Practical Taxidermy」

...The expense of vaulting does not exceed that ofbuilding and roofing common cow-houses; and the vaults have thisessential advantage or preference, that they require no repairs...   The expense of vaulting does not exceed that ofbuilding and roofing common cow-houses; and the vaults have thisessential advantage or preference, that they require no repairsの読み方
Various 「Heads and Tales」

...At the beginning of the rainy season it repairs to pools ofwater to breed and is then very noticeable from its loud voice...   At the beginning of the rainy season it repairs to pools ofwater to breed and is then very noticeable from its loud voiceの読み方
Alfred M. Tozzer and Glover M. Allen 「Animal Figures in the Maya Codices」

...When the symptoms appear, she flies away fromher own village and repairs to that of her adopted mother "to weepnear her...   When the symptoms appear, she flies away fromher own village and repairs to that of her adopted mother to weepnear herの読み方
Sir James George Frazer 「Balder The Beautiful, Vol. I.」



exaction   setters   deists  



時事ニュース漢字 📺
白雪姫   核融合   備蓄米  

