

... More was not needed to reassure Andre-Louis...         More was not needed to reassure Andre-Louisの読み方
Rafael Sabatini 「Scaramouche」

...Rougane set himself to pacify and reassure them...   Rougane set himself to pacify and reassure themの読み方
Rafael Sabatini 「Scaramouche」

... “Then I can reassure my brother in that respect?” ...         “Then I can reassure my brother in that respect?”     の読み方
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「Ten Years Later」

... “My mother reassured him; but he pretended that people reassure him too often, and that he had had quite enough of it...         “My mother reassured him; but he pretended that people reassure him too      often, and that he had had quite enough of itの読み方
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「Ten Years Later」

... “Pray reassure yourself; I know how perfectly innocent you are, and I shall give a good account of you...         “Pray reassure yourself; I know how perfectly innocent you are, and I      shall give a good account of youの読み方
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「Ten Years Later」

... “What can possibly be done to reassure you?” ...         “What can possibly be done to reassure you?”     の読み方
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「Louise de la Valliere」

... Rudolf tried again to reassure me...         Rudolf tried again to reassure meの読み方
Anthony Hope 「Rupert of Hentzau」

...At that time a statement was made, to reassure the inhabitants, that the Cape Ministry held themselves personally responsible for the security of the railway in the colony...   At that time a statement was made,  to reassure the inhabitants, that the Cape Ministry held  themselves personally responsible for the security of the railway  in the colonyの読み方
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」

...Charley and I, wishing to reassure him, advanced as Harry came up to him...   Charley and I, wishing to reassure him, advanced as Harry came up to himの読み方
W.H.G. Kingston 「The Two Supercargoes」

...Why hesang at such times, whether in triumph and derision,or to keep his courage up and reassure hismate, I could not make out...   Why hesang at such times, whether in triumph and derision,or to keep his courage up and reassure hismate, I could not make outの読み方
John Burroughs 「Bird Stories from Burroughs」

...I held the cage inmy lap, and talked to the others to reassure them,fearing more casualties, but after a while theysettled down, and we reached the schoolroom indue time...   I held the cage inmy lap, and talked to the others to reassure them,fearing more casualties, but after a while theysettled down, and we reached the schoolroom indue timeの読み方
Elizabeth Brightwen 「Wild Nature Won By Kindness」

..." Thus he is unwilling to reassure them completely, for he fears that the giant may not come early enough to allow him to reach in time the damsel who is imprisoned in the chapel...    Thus he is unwilling to      reassure them completely, for he fears that the giant may not come early      enough to allow him to reach in time the damsel who is imprisoned in the      chapelの読み方
Chretien DeTroyes 「Four Arthurian Romances」

...At once he spoke, to reassure me...   At once he spoke, to reassure meの読み方
Victor Rousseau 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science January 1930」

...Take the three rifles I shall leave behind,do what you can to reassure theold people, and hold the plateau safeuntil we return...   Take the three rifles I shall leave behind,do what you can to reassure theold people, and hold the plateau safeuntil we returnの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, December 1930」

...arruthers attempted to reassure Nanette that all was well, and theywere out on the streets of the great metropolis...   arruthers attempted to reassure Nanette that all was well, and theywere out on the streets of the great metropolisの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, October, 1930」

...Deliberately falsestatements were broadcast to reassure the public, butthe public was already skeptical, as it later becameincredulous, of official reports of victories...   Deliberately falsestatements were broadcast to reassure the public, butthe public was already skeptical, as it later becameincredulous, of official reports of victoriesの読み方
Murray Leinster 「Morale」

...In 331 an eclipse of the Moon disorganized the troops of Alexander,near Arbela, and the great Macedonian Captain had need of all hisaddress to reassure his panic-stricken soldiers...   In 331  an eclipse of the Moon disorganized the troops of Alexander,near Arbela, and the great Macedonian Captain had need of all hisaddress to reassure his panic-stricken soldiersの読み方
Camille Flammarion Frances A. Welby 「Astronomy for Amateurs」

..."Well, now you'll simply HAVE to build," said Polly, after threateningto write privately to Miss Amelia, to reassure her...   Well, now youll simply HAVE to build, said Polly, after threateningto write privately to Miss Amelia, to reassure herの読み方
Henry Handel Richardson 「Australia Felix」



concentration   obscenity   chemicals  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
棋王戦   絶望感   想定外  

