

...In our present pygmy state love is indeed astranger to most people...   In our present pygmy state love is indeed astranger to most peopleの読み方
Emma Goldman 「Marriage and Love」

...Its habits and eggs are the same asthose of the Pygmy Nuthatch...   Its habits and eggs are the same asthose of the Pygmy Nuthatchの読み方
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」

...103 Curlew-Sandpiper, Pygmy Curlew, Curlew-Stint, Ancylochilussubarquatus (Erolia ferruginea, Am...   103 Curlew-Sandpiper, Pygmy Curlew, Curlew-Stint, Ancylochilussubarquatus (Erolia ferruginea, Amの読み方
John Albert Leach 「An Australian Bird Book」

...Concerning forms of Pygmy Owls, Miller (1955a:164) remarked that the best distinguishing characters ofG...   Concerning forms of Pygmy Owls, Miller (1955a:164) remarked that the best distinguishing characters ofGの読み方
Emil K. Urban 「Birds from Coahuila, Mexico」

...Further, pygmy killer whales have rounded flippers andsmoothly tapered heads, while those of the many-toothedblackfish are pointed on the tip and more sharply pointed(often described as a parrot beak)...   Further, pygmy killer whales have rounded flippers andsmoothly tapered heads, while those of the many-toothedblackfish are pointed on the tip and more sharply pointed(often described as a parrot beak)の読み方
Stephen Leatherwood 「Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises of the Western North Atlantic」

...Like the other species of Kogia,the pygmy sperm whale (p...   Like the other species of Kogia,the pygmy sperm whale (pの読み方
Stephen Leatherwood 「Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises of the Western North Atlantic」

...—Two pygmy spotted skunks from5 mi...   —Two pygmy spotted skunks from5 miの読み方
J. Knox Jones, Jr. 「Noteworthy Mammals from Sinaloa, Mexico」

...The principal part of thegeographic range of the pygmy mice lies in the Republic of México...   The principal part of thegeographic range of the pygmy mice lies in the Republic of Méxicoの読み方
Robert L. Packard 「Speciation and Evolution of the Pygmy Mice, Genus Baiomys」

...The largest single collection of pygmy mice is in the University of KansasMuseum of Natural History, and, unless otherwise indicated, specimens cited inthe taxonomic accounts beyond are there...   The largest single collection of pygmy mice is in the University of KansasMuseum of Natural History, and, unless otherwise indicated, specimens cited inthe taxonomic accounts beyond are thereの読み方
Robert L. Packard 「Speciation and Evolution of the Pygmy Mice, Genus Baiomys」

...There is much to suggest close relationship of the pygmy mice tocertain species of South American hesperomine rodents of thegenus Calomys...   There is much to suggest close relationship of the pygmy mice tocertain species of South American hesperomine rodents of thegenus Calomysの読み方
Robert L. Packard 「Speciation and Evolution of the Pygmy Mice, Genus Baiomys」

...Juvenal andyoung pygmy mice are readily separable from the other three categories;subadults are less easily distinguished from adults...   Juvenal andyoung pygmy mice are readily separable from the other three categories;subadults are less easily distinguished from adultsの読み方
Robert L. Packard 「Speciation and Evolution of the Pygmy Mice, Genus Baiomys」

...There the Southern Pygmy Mouse is uniformly larger, regardless ofaltitude...   There the Southern Pygmy Mouse is uniformly larger, regardless ofaltitudeの読み方
Robert L. Packard 「Speciation and Evolution of the Pygmy Mice, Genus Baiomys」

...) recorded the pygmy mouse as commonat a place 2 km...   ) recorded the pygmy mouse as commonat a place 2 kmの読み方
Robert L. Packard 「Speciation and Evolution of the Pygmy Mice, Genus Baiomys」

...Food of the southern pygmy mouse includes nuts, bark, grassseeds, and leaves...   Food of the southern pygmy mouse includes nuts, bark, grassseeds, and leavesの読み方
Robert L. Packard 「Speciation and Evolution of the Pygmy Mice, Genus Baiomys」

...musculus should be restricted to the larger pygmy miceinhabiting the lowlands immediately adjacent to the Pacific Coastand the area to the north...   musculus should be restricted to the larger pygmy miceinhabiting the lowlands immediately adjacent to the Pacific Coastand the area to the northの読み方
Robert L. Packard 「Speciation and Evolution of the Pygmy Mice, Genus Baiomys」

...—The northern pygmy mouse breeds throughoutthe year...   —The northern pygmy mouse breeds throughoutthe yearの読み方
Robert L. Packard 「Speciation and Evolution of the Pygmy Mice, Genus Baiomys」

...The geographic range of ancestral pygmy mice possibly extendedfarther south in late Pliocene time than the range of B...   The geographic range of ancestral pygmy mice possibly extendedfarther south in late Pliocene time than the range of Bの読み方
Robert L. Packard 「Speciation and Evolution of the Pygmy Mice, Genus Baiomys」

...Shifts of geographical range of populations of pygmy miceat and near the periphery of their geographic range may accountfor the differentiation of the extinct species...   Shifts of geographical range of populations of pygmy miceat and near the periphery of their geographic range may accountfor the differentiation of the extinct speciesの読み方
Robert L. Packard 「Speciation and Evolution of the Pygmy Mice, Genus Baiomys」

...The Tapiro pygmy people,who live in the mountains, cultivate tobacco and exchangeit with the Papuans of the upper Mimika who grownone themselves...   The Tapiro pygmy people,who live in the mountains, cultivate tobacco and exchangeit with the Papuans of the upper Mimika who grownone themselvesの読み方
A. F. R. Wollaston 「Pygmies and Papuans」



perineum   striving   sneezing  


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