

...Mademoiselle’s innocent little ways, her desire for the prolongation of his visit, further addled his brain...   Mademoiselle’s innocent little ways, her desire for the      prolongation of his visit, further addled his brainの読み方
Baroness Orczy 「El Dorado」

...The Zouga is but a prolongation of the Tamunak'le, and an arm of the lake reaches up to the point where the one ends and the other begins...   The Zouga      is but a prolongation of the Tamunakle, and an arm of the lake reaches up      to the point where the one ends and the other beginsの読み方
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」

...In certain animals (in the ungulates [hoofed]—pigs, oxen,sheep, horses) the superior, or spinal, border of the scapula issurmounted by a cartilage called the cartilage of prolongation...   In certain animals (in the ungulates [hoofed]—pigs, oxen,sheep, horses) the superior, or spinal, border of the scapula issurmounted by a cartilage called the cartilage of prolongationの読み方
Édouard Cuyer 「Artistic Anatomy of Animals」

...In the pig, ox, sheep, and horse, the external surface istraversed, to a greater or less extent, by a crest which issituated on the prolongation of the inferior border of themalar bone...   In the pig, ox, sheep, and horse, the external surface istraversed, to a greater or less extent, by a crest which issituated on the prolongation of the inferior border of themalar boneの読み方
Édouard Cuyer 「Artistic Anatomy of Animals」

...Labellum -a:the sensitive ridged tip of the mouth structures of certainDiptera: a prolongation of the labium covering the base ofrostrum in Coleoptera and Hemiptera...   Labellum -a:the sensitive ridged tip of the mouth structures of certainDiptera: a prolongation of the labium covering the base ofrostrum in Coleoptera and Hemipteraの読み方
John. B. Smith 「Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology」

...It might therefore be the case that the narrow gallery at theback was looked upon by the Osmia not as the prolongation of the largefront gallery, but as an independent tube...   It might therefore be the case that the narrow gallery at theback was looked upon by the Osmia not as the prolongation of the largefront gallery, but as an independent tubeの読み方
J. H. Fabre 「The Wonders of Instinct」

...The plan shows how the prolongation of the side rows of thevillage forms a suggestion of a second court...   The plan shows how the prolongation of the side rows of thevillage forms a suggestion of a second courtの読み方
Victor Mindeleff and Cosmos Mindeleff 「A Study of Pueblo Architecture: Tusayan and Cibola」

...Nothing strikes the student of later Greekliterature more strongly than this prolongation of the Euripideantone of thought and feeling...   Nothing strikes the student of later Greekliterature more strongly than this prolongation of the Euripideantone of thought and feelingの読み方
Marcius Willson 「Mosaics of Grecian History」

...Jim Dodd would have said at once that this was one of the Curculionidae,or snout beetles, for a prolongation of the head between the eyes formeda sort of beak a foot in length...   Jim Dodd would have said at once that this was one of the Curculionidae,or snout beetles, for a prolongation of the head between the eyes formeda sort of beak a foot in lengthの読み方
Victor Rousseau 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science January 1930」

...Itshould be added that its special immobility, in the prolongation of theEarth's axis, is merely an effect caused by the diurnal movements of ourplanet...   Itshould be added that its special immobility, in the prolongation of theEarths axis, is merely an effect caused by the diurnal movements of ourplanetの読み方
Camille Flammarion Frances A. Welby 「Astronomy for Amateurs」

...Itis situated on the prolongation of a line joining Regulus to Spica, andforms with Vega of the Lyre, and Arcturus of the Herdsman, a greatisosceles triangle, of which this latter star is the apex...   Itis situated on the prolongation of a line joining Regulus to Spica, andforms with Vega of the Lyre, and Arcturus of the Herdsman, a greatisosceles triangle, of which this latter star is the apexの読み方
Camille Flammarion Frances A. Welby 「Astronomy for Amateurs」

...Place this reflector in the prolongation of the optical axis, set thecandle so that the light from the reflector shall be shown through theglass, and look through the opening...   Place this reflector in the prolongation of the optical axis, set thecandle so that the light from the reflector shall be shown through theglass, and look through the openingの読み方
Simon Newcomb 「Side-lights on Astronomy and Kindred Fields of Popular Science」

...6), a vastconstellation that terminates on one side in a prolongation formed ofthree stars...   6), a vastconstellation that terminates on one side in a prolongation formed ofthree starsの読み方
Camille Flammarion Frances A. Welby 「Astronomy for Amateurs」



exhaustion   smiling   dangling  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
女性遍歴   量子論   事実無根  

