

... “What! you do not know?” said the king, pretending to take in a serious manner this want of attention for the object of his predilection...         “What! you do not know?” said the king, pretending to take in a serious      manner this want of attention for the object of his predilectionの読み方
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「Ten Years Later」

...But the devil, as we haveobserved, also has a predilection to embody himself in aram, a lamb, or a he-goat...   But the devil, as we haveobserved, also has a predilection to embody himself in aram, a lamb, or a he-goatの読み方
Angelo de Gubernatis 「Zoological Mythology, Volume I (of 2)」

...The Kestrel appears to be generally distributed over the country,showing no marked predilection for upland or lowland, heath ormarsh...   The Kestrel appears to be generally distributed over the country,showing no marked predilection for upland or lowland, heath ormarshの読み方
Rev. C. A. Johns 「British Birds in their Haunts」

...Its predilection for settling on bramble sprays has been alluded to on page ...   Its predilection for settling on bramble sprays has been alluded to on  page の読み方
W. S. Coleman 「British Butterfiles」

...In the San Gabriel Mountainsthis mouse does not seem to have this predilection...   In the San Gabriel Mountainsthis mouse does not seem to have this predilectionの読み方
Terry A. Vaughan 「Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains of California」

...The predilection of thisspecies for permanent waters resulted in an increase in abundanceduring my study...   The predilection of thisspecies for permanent waters resulted in an increase in abundanceduring my studyの読み方
James Everett Deacon 「Fish Populations, Following a Drought, in the Neosho and Marais des Cygnes Rivers of Kansas」

...Thefictile art is the offshoot and has within itself no predilection fordecoration...   Thefictile art is the offshoot and has within itself no predilection fordecorationの読み方
William H. Holmes 「A Study Of The Textile Art In Its Relation To The Development Of Form And Ornament」

...In his predilection for happy subjects Correggio reminds us ofRaphael...   In his predilection for happy subjects Correggio reminds us ofRaphaelの読み方
Estelle M. Hurll 「Correggio」

...They have an invincible predilection for poultry, which the severest beatings could never repress...   They have an invincible predilection for poultry, which the severest beatings could never repressの読み方
David Collins 「An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, Vol. 1」



broth   patronised   zodiac  



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