...He produced on one the impression of the type of sentimentalrevolutionary who ruthlessly knifes his opponent and then weeps and prays overhis tomb...
John Buchan 「Mr. Standfast」
...It iscalled by the Provençals lou Prègo-Diéu, the creature which prays toGod...
J. H. Fabre Bernard Miall 「Social Life in the Insect World」
...Watch that tearful maiden performing the hundred circuits of the temple while she prays for a specific blessing for herself or some loved one...
Sidney L. Gulick 「Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic」
...These doctors are not called in case of illness until after the four chief deities have been supplicated, when, as a last resort, the medicine-man prays to the ...
Edward S. Curtis 「The North American Indian」
...A medicine-man prays to Nayé̆nayĕzganĭ, asking his beneficence toward the new home...
Edward S. Curtis 「The North American Indian」
...And when he sees him going away, the good man beneath his roof prays God to defend him and guard him lest he ever pass that way again...
Chretien DeTroyes 「Four Arthurian Romances」
...Saleh prays for a rock-hole...
Ernest Giles 「Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration」