

...Fewer yards above yourhead he poises on wing to sing it frombeginning to end, you know not whetherwith intent to taunt you or to charm you,but he only accomplishes the latter...   Fewer yards above yourhead he poises on wing to sing it frombeginning to end, you know not whetherwith intent to taunt you or to charm you,but he only accomplishes the latterの読み方
Rowland E. Robinson 「In New England Fields and Woods」

...If there be any wind, he rises perpendicularly by bounds,and afterwards poises himself with breast opposed to it...   If there be any wind, he rises perpendicularly by bounds,and afterwards poises himself with breast opposed to itの読み方
Various 「Natural History in Anecdote」

...The old lady, with a most affected air, poises, between her fingerand thumb, a small tea-cup, with the beauties of which she appears to be highlyenamoured...   The old lady, with a most affected air, poises, between her fingerand thumb, a small tea-cup, with the beauties of which she appears to be highlyenamouredの読み方
John Trusler 「The Works of William Hogarth: In a Series of Engravings」

..." The action issuited to the word, for with his left hand this most Christian potentate grasps his sword,and in his right poises a gibbet...    The action issuited to the word, for with his left hand this most Christian potentate grasps his sword,and in his right poises a gibbetの読み方
John Trusler 「The Works of William Hogarth: In a Series of Engravings」



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