

...They are abundant birds ineastern fields where theirloud piping whistle is knownto many frequenters of weedypastures...   They are abundant birds ineastern fields where theirloud piping whistle is knownto many frequenters of weedypasturesの読み方
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」

... Loud piping whistle...    Loud piping whistleの読み方
John Albert Leach 「An Australian Bird Book」

...Low piping whistle...   Low piping whistleの読み方
John Albert Leach 「An Australian Bird Book」

...Its single, often-repeated, piping note is responsible forits name, Eopsaltria, "Psalm of the Dawn...   Its single, often-repeated, piping note is responsible forits name, Eopsaltria, Psalm of the Dawnの読み方
John Albert Leach 「An Australian Bird Book」

...Shrill piping cry...   Shrill piping cryの読み方
John Albert Leach 「An Australian Bird Book」

... Piping, ...    Piping, の読み方
Neltje Blanchan 「Birds Every Child Should Know」

...Whist! There goes an, a gorgeouscreature, flashing from one elm to another, and piping in his happiestmanner as he flies...   Whist! There goes an, a gorgeouscreature, flashing from one elm to another, and piping in his happiestmanner as he fliesの読み方
Bradford Torrey 「The Foot-path Way」

...From her throat came sounds of sobbing, which changed as she flew intothe shrill piping of a bird...   From her throat came sounds of sobbing, which changed as she flew intothe shrill piping of a birdの読み方
Abbie Farwell Brown 「The Curious Book of Birds」

...” Then he launched upon a recitalof how he got sweet water by piping past the alkali strata...   ” Then he launched upon a recitalof how he got sweet water by piping past the alkali strataの読み方
Elinore Pruitt Stewart 「Letters on an Elk Hunt」

...From the marshyspots at the foot of the hill, over toward the full-fed, softlyrushing brook, came the high piping of the frogs, a voice of poignant,indeterminate desire...   From the marshyspots at the foot of the hill, over toward the full-fed, softlyrushing brook, came the high piping of the frogs, a voice of poignant,indeterminate desireの読み方
Charles G. D. Roberts 「The Watchers of the Trails」

...It is quite commonto hear a primitive kind of part singing, some piping in a curiousfalsetto, others droning a deep bass...   It is quite commonto hear a primitive kind of part singing, some piping in a curiousfalsetto, others droning a deep bassの読み方
Cosmos Mindeleff 「Navaho Houses, pages 469-518」

...He carried the cord along the channel to the corner,where he set up some small piping...   He carried the cord along the channel to the corner,where he set up some small pipingの読み方
Vitruvius 「Ten Books on Architecture」

...The piping voices rose in eager acclamation, but the Old Wise One heldup his claws, waiting until silence returned...   The piping voices rose in eager acclamation, but the Old Wise One heldup his claws, waiting until silence returnedの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, June, 1931」

...Dwarfed, apish creature, with tinylimbs, and chests that stood out like barrels, they bustled about,chattering in shrill voices that seemed like the piping of birds...   Dwarfed, apish creature, with tinylimbs, and chests that stood out like barrels, they bustled about,chattering in shrill voices that seemed like the piping of birdsの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, August 1930」

...You are my guest of honor,sir—America's foremost scientist, though she may never realize it,"with a piping chuckle...   You are my guest of honor,sir—Americas foremost scientist, though she may never realize it,with a piping chuckleの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, August 1930」

...A night such asthis, with flying clouds and a shrill, piping wind, made her think ofangry seas and a dark ship's cabin, in which she lay deathly sick...   A night such asthis, with flying clouds and a shrill, piping wind, made her think ofangry seas and a dark ships cabin, in which she lay deathly sickの読み方
Henry Handel Richardson 「Australia Felix」

...Therea variety of birds had congregated--the Rose Cockatoo, the piping Magpie,the Calodera, various parrots and parroquets, bronze-wing Pigeons, andnumerous small birds...   Therea variety of birds had congregated--the Rose Cockatoo, the piping Magpie,the Calodera, various parrots and parroquets, bronze-wing Pigeons, andnumerous small birdsの読み方
Charles Sturt 「Expedition into Central Australia」

...--Crested piping Thrush...   --Crested piping Thrushの読み方
Charles Sturt 「Expedition into Central Australia」



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