

... She fastened them beside the leaf on her blue pinafore...         She fastened them beside the leaf on her blue pinaforeの読み方
(AKA Ralph Iron) Olive Schreiner 「The Story of an African Farm」

... “Yes; but the pinafore spoils it all; it is not pretty...         “Yes; but the pinafore spoils it all; it is not prettyの読み方
(AKA Ralph Iron) Olive Schreiner 「The Story of an African Farm」

...So they had looked at her ever since she could remember, when it was but a small child’s face above a blue pinafore...   So they had looked      at her ever since she could remember, when it was but a small child’s face      above a blue pinaforeの読み方
(AKA Ralph Iron) Olive Schreiner 「The Story of an African Farm」

...She was only a small child, with a blue pinafore, and a grave, grave, little face...   She was only a small child, with a blue pinafore, and a      grave, grave, little faceの読み方
(AKA Ralph Iron) Olive Schreiner 「The Story of an African Farm」

... She leaned her chin on one hand, and looked, with her great dove’s eyes—the other hand was cut open, so she wrapped it in her pinafore...        She leaned her chin on one hand, and looked, with her great dove’s eyes—the      other hand was cut open, so she wrapped it in her pinaforeの読み方
Olive Schreiner 「Dream Life and Real Life」

..."I was looking out for my seventh life,and also for the gamekeeper, and wassitting by the river with both eyes andboth ears open, when a little girl came by—anice little girl in a checked pinafore...   I was looking out for my seventh life,and also for the gamekeeper, and wassitting by the river with both eyes andboth ears open, when a little girl came by—anice little girl in a checked pinaforeの読み方
Edith Nesbit 「Pussy and Doggy Tales」

...Then she picked me up andcarried me home in the checked pinafore...   Then she picked me up andcarried me home in the checked pinaforeの読み方
Edith Nesbit 「Pussy and Doggy Tales」

..., pinafore cloth binding, floral edges,2s 6d...   , pinafore cloth binding, floral edges,2s 6dの読み方
Elizabeth Brightwen 「Wild Nature Won By Kindness」

...But she’s got on her best bib-and-tucker to-day, and a pinafore with frills to it...   But she’s got on her best      bib-and-tucker to-day, and a pinafore with frills to itの読み方
Henry Lawson 「Joe Wilson and His Mates」



Ashmore   Calhoun   daddy  



時事ニュース漢字 📺
完全自動運転   迫真性   大迷惑  

