

...Various pigments are used for marking...   Various pigments are used for markingの読み方
Robert Jennings 「Sheep, Swine, and Poultry」

...A painter notlong ago thus defined his own art: “The art of painting is the art ofimitating solid objects upon a flat surface by means of pigments...   A painter notlong ago thus defined his own art: “The art of painting is the art ofimitating solid objects upon a flat surface by means of pigmentsの読み方
Jane Ellen Harrison 「Ancient Art and Ritual」

...This is a symbolwhich the participants in the dance called the Húmiskatcina still paintwith pigments on their breasts, and which is used on shields andvarious religious paraphernalia...   This is a symbolwhich the participants in the dance called the Húmiskatcina still paintwith pigments on their breasts, and which is used on shields andvarious religious paraphernaliaの読み方
Jesse Walter Fewkes 「Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895」

...They are painted with green and black mineral pigments, the formerof which had undoubtedly done much to preserve the soft wood ofwhich they were manufactured...   They are painted with green and black mineral pigments, the formerof which had undoubtedly done much to preserve the soft wood ofwhich they were manufacturedの読み方
Jesse Walter Fewkes 「Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895」

...If the pigments are ground in anaqueous vehicle of strong isinglass size and honey instead of gumwater the work would not be much inferior to that executed with othervehicles...   If the pigments are ground in anaqueous vehicle of strong isinglass size and honey instead of gumwater the work would not be much inferior to that executed with othervehiclesの読み方
William N. Brown 「Handbook on Japanning: 2nd Edition」

...Yellow Pigments...   Yellow Pigmentsの読み方
William N. Brown 「Handbook on Japanning: 2nd Edition」

...Other black pigments are lamp-black (including carbon black)and bone-black, the former being produced in many grades, varying inprice from twopence to half a crown per pound...   Other black pigments are lamp-black (including carbon black)and bone-black, the former being produced in many grades, varying inprice from twopence to half a crown per poundの読み方
William N. Brown 「Handbook on Japanning: 2nd Edition」

...—— pigments, ...   —— pigments, の読み方
William N. Brown 「Handbook on Japanning: 2nd Edition」

...Indeed, it is somesort of criterion of the stability and changes of colour in pigments,that time and fire are apt to produce similar effects thereon...   Indeed, it is somesort of criterion of the stability and changes of colour in pigments,that time and fire are apt to produce similar effects thereonの読み方
George Field 「Field's Chromatography」

...It is thus that the best pigments havesuffered in reputation under the injudicious processes of the painter;although, owing to a desultory practice, the effects and results havenot been uniform...   It is thus that the best pigments havesuffered in reputation under the injudicious processes of the painter;although, owing to a desultory practice, the effects and results havenot been uniformの読み方
George Field 「Field's Chromatography」

...Original pigments, that is, such as are notmade up of two or more colours, are purer in hue and generally moredurable than those compounded...   Original pigments, that is, such as are notmade up of two or more colours, are purer in hue and generally moredurable than those compoundedの読み方
George Field 「Field's Chromatography」

...Compound pigments like these may most frequently bedispensed with, in favour of hues and tints composed extemporaneously oforiginal colours upon the palette...   Compound pigments like these may most frequently bedispensed with, in favour of hues and tints composed extemporaneously oforiginal colours upon the paletteの読み方
George Field 「Field's Chromatography」

...A principal test of permanency in pigments is the impunity with whichthey bear exposure to light and air, an artistic proof of theirstability the mere chemist is apt to neglect...   A principal test of permanency in pigments is the impunity with whichthey bear exposure to light and air, an artistic proof of theirstability the mere chemist is apt to neglectの読み方
George Field 「Field's Chromatography」

...The latter, indeed, ispreferable in all cases, several pigments being slightly affected byiron, cadmium yellow among the number...   The latter, indeed, ispreferable in all cases, several pigments being slightly affected byiron, cadmium yellow among the numberの読み方
George Field 「Field's Chromatography」

...The yellow andorange chromates of lead, for instance, withstanding as they do theaction of the sunbeam, become by time, foul air, and the influence ofother pigments, inferior to the ochres...   The yellow andorange chromates of lead, for instance, withstanding as they do theaction of the sunbeam, become by time, foul air, and the influence ofother pigments, inferior to the ochresの読み方
George Field 「Field's Chromatography」

...The more crowded the palette is withreliable pigments, the more likely are the worthless to be pushed fromtheir places...   The more crowded the palette is withreliable pigments, the more likely are the worthless to be pushed fromtheir placesの読み方
George Field 「Field's Chromatography」



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