

...—The beautiful Peregrine Falcon is rare, but the Kestrel is found almost universally;and the bold and daring Goshawkwherever wild crags and precipices afford safe breeding places...   —The beautiful Peregrine Falcon is rare, but the Kestrel is found almost universally;and the bold and daring Goshawkwherever wild crags and precipices afford safe breeding placesの読み方
J. Emerson Tennent 「Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon」

...Among otherthings he related that the ravens had for very nearneighbours on the rocks a pair of peregrine falcons,and for several years there had always been peacebetween them...   Among otherthings he related that the ravens had for very nearneighbours on the rocks a pair of peregrine falcons,and for several years there had always been peacebetween themの読み方
W. H. Hudson 「Birds and Man」

...As the Peregrine of falconry we know of the Duck Hawkas a fearless, dashing hunter of greater power of wing andtalon...   As the Peregrine of falconry we know of the Duck Hawkas a fearless, dashing hunter of greater power of wing andtalonの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「What Bird is That?」

...I have related in a former work that I once saw a peregrine strike down and kill an owl--a sight that made me gasp with astonishment...   I have related in a former work that I once      saw a peregrine strike down and kill an owl--a sight that made me gasp      with astonishmentの読み方
W. H. Hudson 「Birds in Town and Village」

...The peregrine falcon, which feeds largely on ducks, ismigratory, while the lugger falcon—a bird not particularlyaddicted to waterfowl—remains in India throughout the year...   The peregrine falcon, which feeds largely on ducks, ismigratory, while the lugger falcon—a bird not particularlyaddicted to waterfowl—remains in India throughout the yearの読み方
Douglas Dewar 「A Bird Calendar for Northern India」

...Of the migratory birds of prey the kestrel is perhaps the firstto arrive; the osprey and the peregrine falcon are among thelast...   Of the migratory birds of prey the kestrel is perhaps the firstto arrive; the osprey and the peregrine falcon are among thelastの読み方
Douglas Dewar 「A Bird Calendar for Northern India」

...The apparatus usually employed for the capture of the peregrine,the shahin and other falcons is a well-limed piece of cane,about the length of the expanse of a falcon's wings...   The apparatus usually employed for the capture of the peregrine,the shahin and other falcons is a well-limed piece of cane,about the length of the expanse of a falcons wingsの読み方
Douglas Dewar 「A Bird Calendar for Northern India」

...The Peregrine Falcon occupies among the 'noble' birds of prey aplace second only in dignity to the Gyr Falcon...   The Peregrine Falcon occupies among the noble birds of prey aplace second only in dignity to the Gyr Falconの読み方
Rev. C. A. Johns 「British Birds in their Haunts」

...The 'Lanner' of Pennant is a young female Peregrine...   The Lanner of Pennant is a young female Peregrineの読み方
Rev. C. A. Johns 「British Birds in their Haunts」

...A peregrine falcon,from the wild, rocky coast to the west,came sailing on wide-reaching wings acrossthe April sky...   A peregrine falcon,from the wild, rocky coast to the west,came sailing on wide-reaching wings acrossthe April skyの読み方
Alfred W. Rees 「Creatures of the Night」

...In the nick oftime, Puss vanished with her little onebeneath an impenetrable tangle of friendlythorns, while the baffled peregrine proceededon his way...   In the nick oftime, Puss vanished with her little onebeneath an impenetrable tangle of friendlythorns, while the baffled peregrine proceededon his wayの読み方
Alfred W. Rees 「Creatures of the Night」

...Family cares again claimed the hare'sattention in July; and, having taken toheart her experience with the peregrine, sheleft the uplands and made her home in thethickets of a river-island...   Family cares again claimed the haresattention in July; and, having taken toheart her experience with the peregrine, sheleft the uplands and made her home in thethickets of a river-islandの読み方
Alfred W. Rees 「Creatures of the Night」

...The Peregrine Falcon so famous in the daysof Falconry is a fearless bird and does not hesitate to attackthose of much larger size...   The Peregrine Falcon so famous in the daysof Falconry is a fearless bird and does not hesitate to attackthose of much larger sizeの読み方
Various 「Natural History in Anecdote」



february   prior   pterodactyl  


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