

...The height of its superior part from the summit of theforelock to a line which passes through the most salientpoints of the orbits...   The height of its superior part from the summit of theforelock to a line which passes through the most salientpoints of the orbitsの読み方
Édouard Cuyer 「Artistic Anatomy of Animals」

...The orbits project less, with greater width between them,the length of the molar teeth also exceeds the others...   The orbits project less, with greater width between them,the length of the molar teeth also exceeds the othersの読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

...Green Aracari, beneath paler; throat whitish, round the orbits blue; bill with two lateral longitudinal grooves...   Green Aracari, beneath paler; throat whitish, round the orbits blue;  bill with two lateral longitudinal groovesの読み方
William Swainson 「Zoological Illustrations, Volume I」

...3; width across orbits at frontal-jugal suture, 100...   3; width across orbits at frontal-jugal suture, 100の読み方
Ticul Alvarez 「The Recent Mammals of Tamaulipas, Mexico」

...The head is flat on the summit and narrow between the orbits...   The head is flat on the summit and narrow between the orbitsの読み方
Charles Darwin 「The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I.」

...In the carrier, besides the elongation of the bones of the face, the space between the orbits is proportionally a little narrower than in the rock-pigeon...   In the carrier, besides the  elongation of the bones of the face, the space between the orbits is  proportionally a little narrower than in the rock-pigeonの読み方
Charles Darwin 「The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I.」

... Skull remarkably broad between the orbits...    Skull remarkably broad between the orbitsの読み方
Charles Darwin 「The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I.」

...Lashed: eyes that have a more or less complete fringeof stiff hairs or bristles at the orbits...   Lashed: eyes that have a more or less complete fringeof stiff hairs or bristles at the orbitsの読み方
John. B. Smith 「Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology」

...The orbits are much enlarged, probably in correlationwith the diminutive size of the animal, and this has beenaccompanied by loss of several bones...   The orbits are much enlarged, probably in correlationwith the diminutive size of the animal, and this has beenaccompanied by loss of several bonesの読み方
Theodore H. Eaton 「A New Order of Fishlike Amphibia From the Pennsylvanian of Kansas」

...ThePreservative Paste now comes into requisition, and with this theskull and orbits are well painted inside and out...   ThePreservative Paste now comes into requisition, and with this theskull and orbits are well painted inside and outの読み方
Montagu Browne 「Practical Taxidermy」

...28, that the orbits of the eyes are shallow, that only theupper line of the sinus shows, that the lips and nostrils arealso shallow depressions; all of these parts must be hollowed outor undercut...   28, that the orbits of the eyes are shallow, that only theupper line of the sinus shows, that the lips and nostrils arealso shallow depressions; all of these parts must be hollowed outor undercutの読み方
Montagu Browne 「Practical Taxidermy」

...Consequently, in spite of their delay in some of the signs, theynevertheless soon reach the proper place in their orbits after freeingthemselves from their enforced delay...   Consequently, in spite of their delay in some of the signs, theynevertheless soon reach the proper place in their orbits after freeingthemselves from their enforced delayの読み方
Vitruvius 「Ten Books on Architecture」

...The lanes more frequently used, between Earth, Mars, Venus andMercury, were of course far inside the orbits of the asteroids...   The lanes more frequently used, between Earth, Mars, Venus andMercury, were of course far inside the orbits of the asteroidsの読み方
John Stewart Williamson 「Salvage in Space」

...Aristillus and Timocharis set up instruments and fixed the positions ofthe zodiacal stars, near to which all the planets in their orbits pass, thusfacilitating the determination of planetary motions...   Aristillus and Timocharis set up instruments and fixed the positions ofthe zodiacal stars, near to which all the planets in their orbits pass, thusfacilitating the determination of planetary motionsの読み方
George Forbes 「History of Astronomy」

...All of thesatellites of Uranus have retrograde motion, and their orbits are inclinedabout 80° to the ecliptic...   All of thesatellites of Uranus have retrograde motion, and their orbits are inclinedabout 80° to the eclipticの読み方
George Forbes 「History of Astronomy」



strop   parricide   multitudes  



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