...Whoeverlaughs, or omits to give forth the voice or song of the animal which herepresents, pays a forfeit...
Angelo de Gubernatis 「Zoological Mythology, Volume I (of 2)」
...Audubonstates that the vanquished and victorsalike leave the grounds to search forthe females, but he omits to state thatmany are present, and mate upon the“scratching grounds...
Various 「Birds Illustrated by Color Photography [February, 1898]」
...If he omits a technical name, the common name or names he employs (suchas “Caribou” or “Reindeer”) are supplied...
Francis Harper 「The Barren Ground Caribou of Keewatin」
...It is unfortunate that we never learn why Dr Howitt omits to mentionfacts which he has previously published...
Northcote W. Thomas 「Kinship Organisations and Group Marriage in Australia」
...The article is furnished with a map, which however omits several namesused in the text...
F. Haverfield 「Roman Britain in 1914」
...Schulten omits tostate that the view which he is supporting is the ordinary view and nothis own...
F. Haverfield 「Roman Britain in 1914」
...Notonly does he give the native name of every small lakelet and waterhole infull, but he omits to give the bearing of his daily course...
Ernest Favenc 「The Explorers of Australia and their Life-work」