...He chooses the mohonono, the mimosa, and other trees which contain much saccharine matter, mucilage, and gum...
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」
...Berres, and consistedin covering the plate with the mucilage of gum arabic, and thenimmersing the plate in nitric acid of different strengths...
Henry H. Snelling 「The History and Practice of the Art of Photography」
...Nodoubt the nutritious quality of the tree is owing to the mucilage, which isapparently of the same nature as that of the nearly allied Tragacanth treeof Sierra Leone (STERCULIA TRAGACANTHA)...
Thomas Mitchell 「Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia」
...The wood mustcontain a great portion of mucilage, for, on chewing it, it seems tocontain as much nutritious matter, as fibre...
Thomas Mitchell 「Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia」
shekel liberating flank