...He whomyou see here is the Captain Viedma, and this is the fair Moor who has beenso good to him...
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Vol. I, Complete」
... and that it was a Moor and a sage who wrote it?” ...
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Volume II., Complete」
... Moor...
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Volume II., Complete」
..."He who had carried me off was Don Suero, whom I afterwardssaw lying insensible before the Inn of the Moor...
Antonio de Trueba Henry J. Gill 「The Cid Campeador」
...He then went off in search of the little Moor, and shortlyafterwards they were playing together as if both were children...
Antonio de Trueba Henry J. Gill 「The Cid Campeador」
... at the Inn of the Moor...
Antonio de Trueba Henry J. Gill 「The Cid Campeador」
...The Moor retired to a tent, near that of the king, for hedid not dare to return to the town...
Antonio de Trueba Henry J. Gill 「The Cid Campeador」
...Heavy dew fell and drenched the moor like rain; and this refreshed me for a while...
Robert Louis Stevenson 「Kidnapped」
...As I scanned the acres ofrough moor and then looked at the sea lapping delicately on the grey sand I hadthe feeling that a knotty problem was before me...
John Buchan 「Mr. Standfast」
...I had found a point of observation, for no one was likely to come nearmy cave, which was reached from the moor by such a toilsome climb...
John Buchan 「Mr. Standfast」
...It stopped at every station, and in the afternoon itsimply got tired and sat down in the middle of a moor and reflected for anhour...
John Buchan 「Mr. Standfast」
...But in that bare green place therewas no cover, and it looked as if my chances were pretty much those of a harecoursed by a good greyhound on a naked moor...
John Buchan 「Mr. Standfast」