

...The changeableness of the twilights must have servedvery well to express the mobility of the ears of an ass...   The changeableness of the twilights must have servedvery well to express the mobility of the ears of an assの読み方
Angelo de Gubernatis 「Zoological Mythology, Volume I (of 2)」

...The palpi move; they retain their mobility for a considerable period; the action of the poison, therefore, is evidently situated in the nerves of the fangs...   The palpi move; they      retain their mobility for a considerable period; the action of the poison,      therefore, is evidently situated in the nerves of the fangsの読み方
J. Henri Fabre 「More Hunting Wasps」

...The legs of this third segment only are paralysed; the others retain their usual mobility...   The legs of this third      segment only are paralysed; the others retain their usual mobilityの読み方
J. Henri Fabre 「More Hunting Wasps」

...In considering wolf mobility in snow, twotypes of movement must be recognized: the trotused during general travel, and the boundingused while chasing prey...   In considering wolf mobility in snow, twotypes of movement must be recognized: the trotused during general travel, and the boundingused while chasing preyの読み方
L. David Mech 「Ecological Studies of the Timber Wolf in Northeastern Minnesota」

...Thedifferentiation of the muscles was related to changing food habits,increased mobility of the head, and increase in the freedom of movementof the shoulder girdle and forelimbs (Olson, 1961:214)...   Thedifferentiation of the muscles was related to changing food habits,increased mobility of the head, and increase in the freedom of movementof the shoulder girdle and forelimbs (Olson, 1961:214)の読み方
Richard C. Fox 「The Adductor Muscles of the Jaw In Some Primitive Reptiles」

...The decrease in abundance of the sucker-mouthed minnow mayhave been due to some mobility of the species...   The decrease in abundance of the sucker-mouthed minnow mayhave been due to some mobility of the speciesの読み方
James Everett Deacon 「Fish Populations, Following a Drought, in the Neosho and Marais des Cygnes Rivers of Kansas」

...No marked fat-headed minnows were taken outside thearea of release, indicating low mobility of the species...   No marked fat-headed minnows were taken outside thearea of release, indicating low mobility of the speciesの読み方
James Everett Deacon 「Fish Populations, Following a Drought, in the Neosho and Marais des Cygnes Rivers of Kansas」

...The mobility of channel catfish has been discussed by Muncy(1958) and Funk (1957)...   The mobility of channel catfish has been discussed by Muncy(1958) and Funk (1957)の読み方
James Everett Deacon 「Fish Populations, Following a Drought, in the Neosho and Marais des Cygnes Rivers of Kansas」

...The rate of redispersal by various species probably depended upon their innate mobility, and upon their tolerance of the muddy mainstream of the Wakarusa...   The rate of redispersal by various species probably depended upon their innate mobility, and upon their tolerance of the muddy mainstream of the Wakarusaの読み方
James E. Deacon 「Fishes of the Wakarusa River in Kansas」

...The properties common to all matter, are extent, divisibility, impenetrability, figure, mobility, or the property of being moved in mass...   The properties      common to all matter, are extent, divisibility, impenetrability, figure,      mobility, or the property of being moved in massの読み方
Paul Henri Thiery (Baron D'Holbach) 「The System of Nature, Volume 1」

...In consequence, we discover in them, extent, mobility, divisibility, solidity, gravity, and inert force...   In consequence, we discover in them,      extent, mobility, divisibility, solidity, gravity, and inert forceの読み方
Paul Henri Thiery (Baron D'Holbach) 「The System of Nature, Volume 1」

... the whole of which possesses such extreme mobility...    the      whole of which possesses such extreme mobilityの読み方
Paul Henri Thiery (Baron D'Holbach) 「The System of Nature, Volume 1」



analysed   spirals   pierce  



時事ニュース漢字 📺
攻撃的   腸内細菌   認知症  

