

...The sheep, convoyed by the misanthropic McGillicuddy,filed down the drive, from the highroad, anhour later, and were marshaled into the corral...   The sheep, convoyed by the misanthropic McGillicuddy,filed down the drive, from the highroad, anhour later, and were marshaled into the corralの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Lad: A Dog」

...As a kind-hearted cynic (I confess to being nothing worse thanthis), I was relieved to find my misanthropic, or, to speak moreexactly, my misornithic, notions ill founded...   As a kind-hearted cynic (I confess to being nothing worse thanthis), I was relieved to find my misanthropic, or, to speak moreexactly, my misornithic, notions ill foundedの読み方
Bradford Torrey 「The Foot-path Way」

... so different from Lord Byron's misanthropic verseson his dog:—...    so different from Lord Byrons misanthropic verseson his dog:—の読み方
Various 「Heads and Tales」

...The misanthropic versesengraved upon it may be found among his poems...   The misanthropic versesengraved upon it may be found among his poemsの読み方
Various 「Heads and Tales」

...In theyear 1797, Walter Scott, then a young advocate, was taken by theFergusons to see "Bowed Davie," as the poor misanthropic man wasgenerally called...   In theyear 1797, Walter Scott, then a young advocate, was taken by theFergusons to see Bowed Davie, as the poor misanthropic man wasgenerally calledの読み方
Various 「Heads and Tales」

...This also, like the above, is the resultof association, and has nothing artistic in its constitution; but thistime it is an association which is misanthropic and negative...   This also, like the above, is the resultof association, and has nothing artistic in its constitution; but thistime it is an association which is misanthropic and negativeの読み方
Anthony M. Ludovici 「Nietzsche and Art」

...Frere awaited them, Frere was boisterously good-humoured, North silently misanthropic...   Frere awaited them, Frere was      boisterously good-humoured, North silently misanthropicの読み方
Marcus Clarke 「For the Term of His Natural Life」



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