...Rustic and Minuscule...
John W. Bradley 「Illuminated Manuscripts」
...Uncials and Minuscule...
John W. Bradley 「Illuminated Manuscripts」
...The handwriting, too, is clear and legible,whether capital, uncial, or minuscule...
John W. Bradley 「Illuminated Manuscripts」
...It is alarge folio, finely written in a neat minuscule,mainly Saxon hand, with uncial initials in twocolumns...
John W. Bradley 「Illuminated Manuscripts」
...The writing is asmall and very neat Roman minuscule, and datesprobably about 1485, or between 1480 and 1490...
John W. Bradley 「Illuminated Manuscripts」
...The text is a fine and elegantRoman minuscule interspersed with italic...
John W. Bradley 「Illuminated Manuscripts」
Sedgwick accolade firefly