

...(4) A well-developed squamosal minimally extends one-fourth thedistance from the dorsal end of the quadrate to the maxillary, and maximallyis separated from the maxillary by a suture...   (4) A well-developed squamosal minimally extends one-fourth thedistance from the dorsal end of the quadrate to the maxillary, and maximallyis separated from the maxillary by a sutureの読み方
William E. Duellman 「Neotropical Hylid Frogs, Genus Smilisca」

...They are narrow in dorsal view, and minimally extend one-fourth the distancefrom the dorsal end of the quadrate to the maxillary, and maximally, two-thirdsthe distance...   They are narrow in dorsal view, and minimally extend one-fourth the distancefrom the dorsal end of the quadrate to the maxillary, and maximally, two-thirdsthe distanceの読み方
William E. Duellman 「Neotropical Hylid Frogs, Genus Smilisca」

...They minimally extend one-fourththe distance from the dorsal end of the quadrate to the maxillary, andmaximally are sutured to the maxillary...   They minimally extend one-fourththe distance from the dorsal end of the quadrate to the maxillary, andmaximally are sutured to the maxillaryの読み方
William E. Duellman 「Neotropical Hylid Frogs, Genus Smilisca」



exaction   setters   deists  



時事ニュース漢字 📺
白雪姫   核融合   備蓄米  

