...Milli continued: "Early during your test, when you demonstrated thatyou couldn't do the very simplest mathematical problems in your head,they began to doubt your boastings that you are a scientist...
Various 「Astounding Stories, August, 1931」
...ForGobet did most of the mathematical work...
Various 「Astounding Stories, August, 1931」
...The myth of theAçvinâu cannot be solved by mathematical demonstrations,precisely on account of the uncertainty presentedby the crepuscular light which probably gave rise to it...
Angelo de Gubernatis 「Zoological Mythology, Volume I (of 2)」
...They must be impracticable if you look for mathematical precision; but ifyou hope to shoot over more than mere rabble, you should work uponsystem...
Dinks, Mayhew, and Hutchinson 「The Dog」
...); solutions of difficult problems and invincible resistance to simple inquiries; immediate promptitude of correct replies to complicated mathematical problems, etc...
Henny Kindermann Agnes Blake 「Lola」
...This theoryassumes that the judge, taking these values as a basis, computes thevalues of faults with mathematical accuracy...
John H. Robinson 「Our Domestic Birds」
...During this torpor, in which night has not yet closed upon the brain, I sometimes solve mathematical difficulties with which I struggled unsuccessfully the day before...
J. Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Life of the Fly」
...At times, the diameter of these pieces is of an almost mathematical precision, so much so that the edges of the disk rest upon the ledge...
J. Henri Fabre 「Bramble-bees and Others」
...The Mathematical Angler...
Charles Bradford 「The Determined Angler and the Brook Trout」
...The laws of matter in motion are,or seem to be, of the timeless or mathematical kind...
Robert Marett 「Anthropology」
...Likechess, this game is of a general military and mathematical character,but is on a much more extensive scale, the board containing 361places and employing nearly 200 men on a side...
Various 「The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1」
...In theatres, likewise, there are the bronze vessels (in Greek ἡχεια)which are placed in niches under the seats in accordance withthe musical intervals on mathematical principles...
Vitruvius 「Ten Books on Architecture」
...Theproportions are infinitely varied, nowhere does the eye grasp anyobvious mathematical relationship...
Harold Speed 「The Practice and Science Of Drawing」
walnut rush Indiantown