

... Argensola had found a new occupation even more exciting than marking out on the map the manoeuvres of the armies...         Argensola had found a new occupation even more exciting than marking out      on the map the manoeuvres of the armiesの読み方
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」

...But she may be called upon at any moment to establish the fact that she is not a party to these manoeuvres...   But she may be called upon at any moment to establish the fact      that she is not a party to these manoeuvresの読み方
Rafael Sabatini 「Scaramouche」

...The strange effect is produced; my childhood's manoeuvres obtained nobetter result...   The strange effect is produced; my childhoods manoeuvres obtained nobetter resultの読み方
Jean Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles」

...“Not having followed his manoeuvres, I fancied for a moment that we had got into close proximity with one of the long-tails...   “Not having followed his manoeuvres, I fancied for a moment that we had got into close proximity with one of the long-tailsの読み方
Mayne Reid 「The Hunters' Feast」

...Every one was busy with his own affairs, and took no heed of our manoeuvres...   Every one was busy with his own affairs, and took no heed of our manoeuvresの読み方
Mayne Reid 「The Hunters' Feast」

...While watching his various manoeuvres, an object on the ground drew my attention—it was the trail-rope left by my horse...   While watching his various manoeuvres, an object on the ground drew my attention—it was the trail-rope left by my horseの読み方
Mayne Reid 「The Hunters' Feast」

...The start is made only by agreement of both the jockeys, and thus manyhours are wasted in their manoeuvres to get the advantage of one anotherat the start...   The start is made only by agreement of both the jockeys, and thus manyhours are wasted in their manoeuvres to get the advantage of one anotherat the startの読み方
Various 「Argentina From A British Point Of View」

...At manoeuvres the number of troops might be anything up to thirtythousand...   At manoeuvres the number of troops might be anything up to thirtythousandの読み方
Joseph Lievesley Beeston 「Five Months at Anzac」

...Viewing it from thetop of a hill, I could not help thinking what a glorious spot this wouldmake for the display of cavalry manoeuvres...   Viewing it from thetop of a hill, I could not help thinking what a glorious spot this wouldmake for the display of cavalry manoeuvresの読み方
Ernest Giles 「Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration」



glumly   obsidian   floating  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
備蓄米   超新星爆発   縁起物  

