...Two hours after noon the march was commenced towards the mountains, which rose up in rugged magnificence on either side...
W.H.G. Kingston 「Great African Travellers」
...Charles Livingstone, who had seen Niagara, pronounced it inferior in magnificence to the Victoria Falls...
W.H.G. Kingston 「Great African Travellers」
... It was indeed a lordly mansion, with its surroundings laid out in the English style of princely magnificence...
Austin Steward 「Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman」
...None who beholds it in this magnificence will recognize thenear relation of the vulgar "greens" that form the basis of ourcabbage-soup...
J. H. Fabre 「The Wonders of Instinct」
...Patrick Henry loved to rangeamong the woods, admiring the leafy magnificence of nature, and tofollow the meandering courses of the brooks, with his hook and line...
Lewis Falley Allen 「Rural Architecture」
...Peter's, were placed in the same situation,the mind would first form a just estimate of the magnificence of thebuilding, and then be trebly impressed with the size of the masses whichoverwhelmed it...
John Ruskin 「The Poetry of Architecture」
...Millers, "elegance, magnificence, and strength are so happilyblended, that it is impossible to determine in which respect it ismost admirable...
Anonymous 「Ely Cathedral」
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