...I raised my hand tothem and found my face bathed with a liquid, which I thoughtwas sweat...
Antonio de Trueba Henry J. Gill 「The Cid Campeador」
...The liquid gold of Andalusian wines shone in littleglasses...
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez Frances Douglas 「The Blood of the Arena」
...And the word liquid, applied to whatever he believed false orinsignificant, fell from his lips as a strong expression of scorn...
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez Frances Douglas 「The Blood of the Arena」
...The white orchestnut color of the animals became glossy and the hair dripped arose-colored liquid, a mixture of water and blood...
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez Frances Douglas 「The Blood of the Arena」
...His dark, liquid eyes looked squarely into the face of M...
Rafael Sabatini 「Scaramouche」
...It mattered not how much of the precious liquid he carried, he generally drank it all before reaching camp, and he consequently suffered during the night...
Henry M. Stanley 「How I Found Livingstone」
... Liquid and eminently harmonious, concise and capable of contraction, the Mpongwe tongue does not deserve to die out...
Richard F. Burton 「Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 1」
...We kept them constantly supplied with liquid, which, although often hot and tepid, appeared like nectar to their fevered lips...
W.H.G. Kingston 「The Two Supercargoes」
...The warm liquid could at all events be swallowed, and it appeared to do good to poor Tom, to whom we gave several cupfuls...
W.H.G. Kingston 「The Two Supercargoes」
... The mare’s beautiful liquid eyes looked dumbly back at him, and he stooped and rubbed her nose...
Various 「Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 6, July 1905」
...It is generally supposed thatthe receptacle for the liquid is the stomach, from the quantity thatis ejected...
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」
...Much of this sap passes through the bodiesof the aphids and collects in liquid globules on twigs andleaves, forming a sort of honey-dew which is much soughtafter by flies, wasps, and other insects...
Clarence M. Weed 「Butterflies Worth Knowing」
...In a similar way these antsseem sometimes to stroke these little caterpillars with theirantennae and thus to induce them to turn their littlepockets inside out with the drop of liquid at the tip...
Clarence M. Weed 「Butterflies Worth Knowing」
...In his studies freshly extracted liquid venom was used...
Ray D. Burkett 「Natural History of Cottonmouth Moccasin, Agkistrodon piscovorus (Reptilia)」
..."The song is liquid, uncertain, varied, brightand sweet" (Farwell)...
Frank M. Chapman 「What Bird is That?」
transpiring repudiates executed