

... which has survived the lapse ofcenturies even to this day...    which has survived the lapse ofcenturies even to this dayの読み方
Baroness Orczy 「The Scarlet Pimpernel」

... But in the lapse of a long series of years, by a progression slow, and for a time almost imperceptible, we had become rich in a variety of acquirements...              But in the lapse of a long series of years, by a progression slow,            and for a time almost            imperceptible, we had become rich in a variety of acquirementsの読み方
Thomas Clarkson 「The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the」

...The hopes of husband and wife, in this particular, were, in the lapse of time, fully realized...   The               hopes of husband and wife, in this particular, were, in the lapse of time,               fully realizedの読み方
William Still 「The Underground Railroad」

...After a lapse of perhaps thirty thousand years there entered Africaa further migration of Asiatic people, Negroid in many characteristics,but lighter and straighter haired than the primitive Negroes...   After a lapse of perhaps thirty thousand years there entered Africaa further migration of Asiatic people, Negroid in many characteristics,but lighter and straighter haired than the primitive Negroesの読み方
W.E.B. Du Bois 「The Negro」

... The abolition of slavery in mynative State and throughout the country, and the lapse of time, renderthe caution hitherto observed no longer necessary...    The abolition of slavery in mynative State and throughout the country, and the lapse of time, renderthe caution hitherto observed no longer necessaryの読み方
Frederick Douglass 「Collected Articles of Frederick Douglass」

...After the lapse of several months, he found that he could not disposeof my person to a good advantage, while he kept me in that prisonconfined among the other slaves...   After the lapse of several months, he found that he could not disposeof my person to a good advantage, while he kept me in that prisonconfined among the other slavesの読み方
Henry Bibb 「Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Henry Bibb, an American Slave, Written by Himself」

... The Code defines prescription thus: "The process of gaining and losing through the lapse of time...         The Code defines prescription thus: The process of gaining and losing      through the lapse of timeの読み方
P. J. Proudhon 「What is Property?」

...Then she left, and only returnedto relieve the cock after the lapse of another fortnight,it being worth remarking that each wasabsent for the same length of time...   Then she left, and only returnedto relieve the cock after the lapse of another fortnight,it being worth remarking that each wasabsent for the same length of timeの読み方
George Murray Levick 「Antarctic Penguins」

...Some were hatched in ten days, and others not until after the lapse of many months...   Some were hatched in  ten days, and others not until after the lapse of many monthsの読み方
Charles Darwin 「The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I.」

...A lapse into the comatose condition takes placewhen the excitement ceases...   A lapse into the comatose condition takes placewhen the excitement ceasesの読み方
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」

... I must bring my account of my neighbor in the tree down to the latest date; so after the lapse of a year I add the following notes...         I must bring my account of my neighbor in the tree down to the latest      date; so after the lapse of a year I add the following notesの読み方
John Burroughs 「Birds and Bees, Sharp Eyes and, Other Papers」

... Then he carried food with greater activity than ever to coverhis lapse...    Then he carried food with greater activity than ever to coverhis lapseの読み方
Gene Stratton-Porter 「The Song of the Cardinal」

... At the end of a month, three of my grubs turn brown and lapse into rottenness...         At the end of a month, three of my grubs turn brown and lapse into      rottennessの読み方
J. Henri Fabre 「More Hunting Wasps」

...The fact remains that in the Old Worldhuman inventiveness moved along one channel rather than another, andfor an immense lapse of time no one was found to strike out a new line...   The fact remains that in the Old Worldhuman inventiveness moved along one channel rather than another, andfor an immense lapse of time no one was found to strike out a new lineの読み方
Robert Marett 「Anthropology」



scrub   useful   yew  


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言語道断   棋聖戦   予備選  

