

...Thefollowing year, which was the year seventy-two, I found myself at Navarinorowing in the leading galley with the three lanterns...   Thefollowing year, which was the year seventy-two, I found myself at Navarinorowing in the leading galley with the three lanternsの読み方
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Vol. I, Complete」

...By the light of the lanterns Desnoyers recognized one of the dying...   By the light of the lanterns Desnoyers recognized one of the      dyingの読み方
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」

...Ivery came back, followed by a dragging line of men with spades and lanterns...   Ivery came back, followed by a dragging line of men with spades and lanternsの読み方
John Buchan 「Mr. Standfast」

...I called out that he was dead, andat once everyone in the boma turned out, bringing all the lanterns inthe place...   I called out that he was dead, andat once everyone in the boma turned out, bringing all the lanterns inthe placeの読み方
J. H. Patterson 「The Man-eaters of Tsavo and Other East African Adventures」

...and I descended, and attempted, by the light of lanterns, to sort out twenty safari boys strange to us, and miscellaneous camp stores...   and I descended, and  attempted, by the light of lanterns, to sort out twenty safari  boys strange to us, and miscellaneous camp storesの読み方
Stewart Edward White 「African Camp Fires」

...Our lanterns flared in the great wind that swept down the defile; and across the track little fires flared too...   Our lanterns  flared in the great wind that swept down the defile; and across  the track little fires flared tooの読み方
Stewart Edward White 「African Camp Fires」

...Memba Sasa arrived before the lanterns, out of breath, his face streaming with perspiration...   Memba Sasa arrived before the lanterns, out of breath, his  face streaming with perspirationの読み方
Stewart Edward White 「African Camp Fires」

... "It looks asif our door-yard was full of moving lanterns...    It looks asif our door-yard was full of moving lanternsの読み方
Virginia Sharpe Patterson 「Dickey Downy」

...Before dismissing the subject of sugaring, it may be as wellto say a few words on lanterns and chip boxes...   Before dismissing the subject of sugaring, it may be as wellto say a few words on lanterns and chip boxesの読み方
Montagu Browne 「Practical Taxidermy」

...There is a minute variety, white, withlong silky hair, like a lap dog, and this is trained to carry flambeauxand lanterns...   There is a minute variety, white, withlong silky hair, like a lap dog, and this is trained to carry flambeauxand lanternsの読み方
R. Lee 「Anecdotes of the Habits and Instinct of Animals」

...Almost every town street, and house, throughout the Empire, was brilliantly decked with lanterns and flags, not on a single occasion only, but continuously...   Almost every town street,    and house, throughout the Empire, was brilliantly decked with    lanterns and flags, not on a single occasion only, but    continuouslyの読み方
Sidney L. Gulick 「Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic」

...In the soft air of a summer night, when fireflies areflashing their lanterns over the fields, the stars do notsparkle and blaze like those that pierce the frosty skies ofwinter...   In the soft air of a summer night, when fireflies areflashing their lanterns over the fields, the stars do notsparkle and blaze like those that pierce the frosty skies ofwinterの読み方
Garrett Serviss 「Pleasures of the telescope」

... Gabbett and his companions had by this time reached the foot of the companion ladder, there to encounter the cutlasses of the doubled guard gleaming redly in the glow of the lanterns...         Gabbett and his companions had by this time reached the foot of the      companion ladder, there to encounter the cutlasses of the doubled guard      gleaming redly in the glow of the lanternsの読み方
Marcus Clarke 「For the Term of His Natural Life」

...Altogether it was a nightmare of a journey, andMahony groaned with relief when, lamps having for some time twinkledpast, the coach drew up, and Hempel and Long Jim stepped forward withtheir lanterns...   Altogether it was a nightmare of a journey, andMahony groaned with relief when, lamps having for some time twinkledpast, the coach drew up, and Hempel and Long Jim stepped forward withtheir lanternsの読み方
Henry Handel Richardson 「Australia Felix」



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