

...It adds a distinct touch of colorand life to many landscapes when the butterflies swarmby thousands upon clover blossoms and other low vegetation...   It adds a distinct touch of colorand life to many landscapes when the butterflies swarmby thousands upon clover blossoms and other low vegetationの読み方
Clarence M. Weed 「Butterflies Worth Knowing」

...at a cost of £5,000, the decorationsconsisting of natural fruit and flowers, with landscapes and the royalarms in enamel colours...   at a cost of £5,000, the decorationsconsisting of natural fruit and flowers, with landscapes and the royalarms in enamel coloursの読み方
Richard Glazier 「A Manual of Historic Ornament」

...It would be ridiculousfor a painter of domestic scenes, of portraits, landscapes, animals,or of still life, to say that he despised those qualities which havemade the subordinate schools so famous...   It would be ridiculousfor a painter of domestic scenes, of portraits, landscapes, animals,or of still life, to say that he despised those qualities which havemade the subordinate schools so famousの読み方
Joshua Reynolds 「Seven Discourses on Art」

...Thecompositions were huddled, the landscapes pure but finical, thefigures inclined to slimness, awkwardness, and angularity in the linesof form or drapery, and uncertain in action...   Thecompositions were huddled, the landscapes pure but finical, thefigures inclined to slimness, awkwardness, and angularity in the linesof form or drapery, and uncertain in actionの読み方
John C. Van Dyke 「A Text-Book of the History of Painting」

...Cole during his lifewas famous for his Hudson River landscapes, and for two series ofpictures called The Voyage of Life and The Course of Empire...   Cole during his lifewas famous for his Hudson River landscapes, and for two series ofpictures called The Voyage of Life and The Course of Empireの読み方
John C. Van Dyke 「A Text-Book of the History of Painting」

...Homer Martin's landscapes, from their breadth of treatment, arepopularly considered rather indifferent work, but in reality they areexcellent in color and poetic feeling...   Homer Martins landscapes, from their breadth of treatment, arepopularly considered rather indifferent work, but in reality they areexcellent in color and poetic feelingの読み方
John C. Van Dyke 「A Text-Book of the History of Painting」

...He is principally noted for his drawings with a pen,slightly tinted, of animals and birds, with landscapes in thebackground...   He is principally noted for his drawings with a pen,slightly tinted, of animals and birds, with landscapes in thebackgroundの読み方
H. M. Cundall 「Masters of Water-Colour Painting」

...His landscapes werechiefly river and lake subjects...   His landscapes werechiefly river and lake subjectsの読み方
H. M. Cundall 「Masters of Water-Colour Painting」

...In Paris his works were chiefly architecturalwith street scenes, admirably executed, whilst his landscapes with fineatmospheric effects (see ) displaygreat freedom in execution...   In Paris his works were chiefly architecturalwith street scenes, admirably executed, whilst his landscapes with fineatmospheric effects (see ) displaygreat freedom in executionの読み方
H. M. Cundall 「Masters of Water-Colour Painting」

...Next, here is one of the most beautiful landscapes ever painted,the best I have next to the Greta and Tees...   Next, here is one of the most beautiful landscapes ever painted,the best I have next to the Greta and Teesの読み方
John Ruskin 「Lectures on Landscape」

...Next to this drawing of Psyche I place two of Turner's mostbeautiful classical landscapes...   Next to this drawing of Psyche I place two of Turners mostbeautiful classical landscapesの読み方
John Ruskin 「Lectures on Landscape」

...In the purest landscape, the human subject is the immortality of thesoul by the faithfulness of love: in both the Turner landscapes it isthe death of the body by the impatience and error of love...   In the purest landscape, the human subject is the immortality of thesoul by the faithfulness of love: in both the Turner landscapes it isthe death of the body by the impatience and error of loveの読み方
John Ruskin 「Lectures on Landscape」

...In a few points he even surpassed his model, as in the stupendoussize of his edifices, in the amenity of his landscapes, and in thebrilliancy of his fancy, truly lively, agreeable, and picturesque...   In a few points he even surpassed his model, as in the stupendoussize of his edifices, in the amenity of his landscapes, and in thebrilliancy of his fancy, truly lively, agreeable, and picturesqueの読み方
Luigi Antonio Lanzi Thomas Roscoe 「The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 1 (of 6)」

...The tables, cabinets, and coffers, small landscapes, andarchitectural pieces which were there executed, and sent as presents toprinces, are dispersed over Europe...   The tables, cabinets, and coffers, small landscapes, andarchitectural pieces which were there executed, and sent as presents toprinces, are dispersed over Europeの読み方
Luigi Antonio Lanzi Thomas Roscoe 「The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 1 (of 6)」

...The painters of landscapes, flowers, and the like, continuedto follow their original models...   The painters of landscapes, flowers, and the like, continuedto follow their original modelsの読み方
Luigi Antonio Lanzi Thomas Roscoe 「The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 1 (of 6)」

...Many landscapes, chiefly rural views, painted by Paolo Anesi, aredispersed through Florence, and there are also many of them in Rome...   Many landscapes, chiefly rural views, painted by Paolo Anesi, aredispersed through Florence, and there are also many of them in Romeの読み方
Luigi Antonio Lanzi Thomas Roscoe 「The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 1 (of 6)」

...Hence, many of this artist's early battle-pieces and landscapes are tobe met with at Siena: the house of Sig...   Hence, many of this artists early battle-pieces and landscapes are tobe met with at Siena: the house of Sigの読み方
Luigi Antonio Lanzi Thomas Roscoe 「The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 1 (of 6)」

...Very softand of a fine bluish-gray, it is fitted for flesh, or for mixing withwhites or yellows in landscapes...   Very softand of a fine bluish-gray, it is fitted for flesh, or for mixing withwhites or yellows in landscapesの読み方
George Field 「Field's Chromatography」

...Here he became acquainted with Jordaens, who used often to paintthe animals in Rubens’ landscapes...   Here he became acquainted with Jordaens, who used often to paintthe animals in Rubens’ landscapesの読み方
Jennie Ellis Keysor 「Great Artists, Vol 1.」

...The landscapes in the Apostolic palace, and in various places ofRome, were many of them painted by Matteo da Siena, and by Gio...   The landscapes in the Apostolic palace, and in various places ofRome, were many of them painted by Matteo da Siena, and by Gioの読み方
Luigi Antonio Lanzi Thomas Roscoe 「The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 2 (of 6)」



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