

...From what you have just now sung I gather that yours spring from love, I mean from the love you bear that fair ingrate you named in your lament...   From what you have just now sung I gather that yours spring from love,      I mean from the love you bear that fair ingrate you named in your lamentの読み方
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Volume II., Complete」

...They took them without looking at them, and continued their lament, “Bread! ...   They took them without looking at them, and continued their      lament, “Bread! の読み方
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」

...Itwas Elsa's prayer, the lament of the blonde virgin thinking of thestrong man, the brave warrior, invincible before men, and sweet andtimid with women...   Itwas Elsas prayer, the lament of the blonde virgin thinking of thestrong man, the brave warrior, invincible before men, and sweet andtimid with womenの読み方
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez Frances Douglas 「The Blood of the Arena」

... He was dead, but so would I be in an hour ortwo, and there was no cause to lament him...    He was dead, but so would I be in an hour ortwo, and there was no cause to lament himの読み方
John Buchan 「Prester John」

...During the weeks I remained at Mosita, the only book I had to read was "Trilby," which I perused many times, and the lament of the heroine in the line quoted above seemed to re-echo my sentiments...   During the weeks I remained at Mosita, the only book I had to  read was Trilby, which I perused many times, and the lament of  the heroine in the line quoted above seemed to re-echo my  sentimentsの読み方
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」

...One strong brindled pup she seemed to lament over the most...   One strong brindled pup she seemed to lament over the mostの読み方
Edward Jesse 「Anecdotes of Dogs」

... For two or three days, sometimes even for five, this indignant lament will be heard, this challenge that the queen addresses to her well protected rivals...         For two or three days, sometimes even for five, this indignant lament will      be heard, this challenge that the queen addresses to her well protected      rivalsの読み方
Maurice Maeterlinck 「The Life of the Bee」

...” But the womencontinued to lament and chant, as they do at funerals...   ” But the womencontinued to lament and chant, as they do at funeralsの読み方
Sir James George Frazer 「The Golden Bough」

...Bitterly did Aphrodite lament her loved andlost Adonis...   Bitterly did Aphrodite lament her loved andlost Adonisの読み方
Sir James George Frazer 「The Golden Bough」

...But, further, the Linus song was probably sung also by Phoenicianreapers, for Herodotus compares it to the Maneros song, which, aswe have seen, was a lament raised by Egyptian reapers over the cutcorn...   But, further, the Linus song was probably sung also by Phoenicianreapers, for Herodotus compares it to the Maneros song, which, aswe have seen, was a lament raised by Egyptian reapers over the cutcornの読み方
Sir James George Frazer 「The Golden Bough」

...In fact, the Japanese themselves recognize that of late their progress has been by "waves," and not a few lament it...   In fact,    the Japanese themselves recognize that of late their progress    has been by waves, and not a few lament itの読み方
Sidney L. Gulick 「Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic」

...Meantime the women and girls, who stand behindthe men, dance, lament, and beat the men who are killing their Bear...   Meantime the women and girls, who stand behindthe men, dance, lament, and beat the men who are killing their Bearの読み方
Jane Ellen Harrison 「Ancient Art and Ritual」

... 133 () [ There follows and excellent example of an old French lament for the dead...         133 () [ There follows and      excellent example of an old French lament for the deadの読み方
Chretien DeTroyes 「Four Arthurian Romances」

...But after they had expressed their gladness they are overwhelmed by grief, which makes them quickly forget their joy, as they begin to lament and weep and beat themselves...   But after they had expressed their gladness they are      overwhelmed by grief, which makes them quickly forget their joy, as they      begin to lament and weep and beat themselvesの読み方
Chretien DeTroyes 「Four Arthurian Romances」



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