

...Top, his formidable jaws open, precededthe colonists, and he was followed by Jup, armed with knotty cudgel,which he brandished like a club...   Top, his formidable jaws open, precededthe colonists, and he was followed by Jup, armed with knotty cudgel,which he brandished like a clubの読み方
Jules Verne William Henry Giles Kingston 「Abandoned」

...Clapperton replied that he was a Protestant, but had to acknowledge that he was not sufficiently versed in religious subtleties to solve all the knotty points on which Bello wished for information...   Clapperton replied that he was a Protestant, but had to acknowledge that he was not sufficiently versed in religious subtleties to solve all the knotty points on which Bello wished for informationの読み方
W.H.G. Kingston 「Great African Travellers」

...It is best, however, not to listen to anysuch complaints, and somehow the disputants settle the knotty pointthemselves...   It is best, however, not to listen to anysuch complaints, and somehow the disputants settle the knotty pointthemselvesの読み方
Joshua A. Nunn 「Notes on Stable Management in India and the Colonies」

...It displays wrinkles and seams, due to the differentcourses of mortar, or else knotty protuberances distributed almostconcentrically...   It displays wrinkles and seams, due to the differentcourses of mortar, or else knotty protuberances distributed almostconcentricallyの読み方
J. H. Fabre 「The Wonders of Instinct」

...The sides of their body projectin a remarkable degree; their skin is enormously thick, knotty in itssurface, and has but a few hairs scattered over it...   The sides of their body projectin a remarkable degree; their skin is enormously thick, knotty in itssurface, and has but a few hairs scattered over itの読み方
R. Lee 「Anecdotes of the Habits and Instinct of Animals」

...Here, however, this variety presented the same knotty head,where other grasses grew luxuriantly...   Here, however, this variety presented the same knotty head,where other grasses grew luxuriantlyの読み方
Thomas Mitchell 「Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia」



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