... It is before the magistrates of his own appointing that such a matter must be laid, since it is matter strictly concerning his own seigneurial jurisdiction...
Rafael Sabatini 「Scaramouche」
...This colony is independent, of Liberia proper, and is under the jurisdiction and patronage of the Maryland State Colonization Society...
Horatio Bridge 「Journal of an African Cruiser」
...The Court declared itself without jurisdiction, and in the same breathwent into the merits of the case far enough to deny relief, withoutpassing upon the real issue...
Booker T. Washington, et al. 「The Negro Problem」
...In 1740, the Parliament of Paris re-establishes within its own jurisdiction the compulsory assessment...
P. J. Proudhon 「What is Property?」
...AtAix and Avignon her fame is undying because she dispelled somerobber-bands; at Marseilles she is popular because she modified andsettled the jurisdiction of Viscounts and Bishops...
Elise Whitlock Rose 「Cathedrals and Cloisters of the South of France, Volume 1」
...Hitherto, spiritual jurisdiction over the Isle of Ely had been claimedby the Bishop of Lincoln, but Abbot Richard obtained the consent ofthe king (Henry I...
Anonymous 「Ely Cathedral」
...Andrews was always great, for atthe Reformation the primate's ecclesiastical jurisdiction included 2archdeaconries, 9 rural deaneries, the patronage of 131 benefices, theadministration of 245 parishes...
Dugald Butler and Herbert Story 「Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys」
Gustavus spanks eightfold