

...” And then came a torrent of words unknown to mademoiselle, yet of whose foulness her intuitions made her conscious...   ” And then came a torrent      of words unknown to mademoiselle, yet of whose foulness her intuitions      made her consciousの読み方
Rafael Sabatini 「Captain Blood」

...de La Tour d’Azyr comes to make his court, study him well; consult your fine instincts; leave your own noble nature free to judge this animal by its intuitions...   de La Tour d’Azyr comes to make his court, study      him well; consult your fine instincts; leave your own noble nature free to      judge this animal by its intuitionsの読み方
Rafael Sabatini 「Scaramouche」

...He was a man of quick intuitions, quicker far than those of M...   He was a man of quick intuitions, quicker far than those of Mの読み方
Rafael Sabatini 「Scaramouche」

... But even while he spoke Armand, with one of those quick intuitions that come in moments of acute crisis, had done just that which he felt Blakeney would wish him to do...         But even while he spoke Armand, with one of those quick intuitions that      come in moments of acute crisis, had done just that which he felt Blakeney      would wish him to doの読み方
Baroness Orczy 「El Dorado」

... Evenhis mother, a woman of keen discernment and delicate intuitions, hadbeen deceived by this girl's specious exterior...    Evenhis mother, a woman of keen discernment and delicate intuitions, hadbeen deceived by this girls specious exteriorの読み方
Charles W. Chesnutt 「The House Behind the Cedars」

...He had nothing more than his intuitions uponwhich to found this belief, but it was none the less firm...   He had nothing more than his intuitions uponwhich to found this belief, but it was none the less firmの読み方
Charles W. Chesnutt 「The House Behind the Cedars」

...Which proved, for perhaps the trillionth time in history, that awoman's intuitions are better worth following than a man's saner logic...   Which proved, for perhaps the trillionth time in history, that awomans intuitions are better worth following than a mans saner logicの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Further Adventures of Lad」

...Among the wild kindreds, as far as man can judge, there areoccasional intuitions that seem to work beyond the scope of thesenses...   Among the wild kindreds, as far as man can judge, there areoccasional intuitions that seem to work beyond the scope of thesensesの読み方
Charles G. D. Roberts 「The Watchers of the Trails」

...His quick intuitions had understood theappeal which had been so cruelly repulsed...   His quick intuitions had understood theappeal which had been so cruelly repulsedの読み方
Charles G. D. Roberts 「The Watchers of the Trails」

...In olden times Oriental instruction relied on the intuitions of the student...   In olden times Oriental    instruction relied on the intuitions of the studentの読み方
Sidney L. Gulick 「Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic」

...All primitive knowledge was dominated by intuitions, and was as absurd as many still prevalent Oriental conceptions of nature...   All    primitive knowledge was dominated by intuitions, and was as    absurd as many still prevalent Oriental conceptions of natureの読み方
Sidney L. Gulick 「Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic」

...Modern progress has consisted in no slight degree in the development of logical powers, and particularly in the power of doubting and examining intuitions...   Modern progress has consisted in no slight degree in the    development of logical powers, and particularly in the power of    doubting and examining intuitionsの読み方
Sidney L. Gulick 「Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic」

..." For his analysis of sculpturalform, and his keen intuitions, Dr...    For his analysis of sculpturalform, and his keen intuitions, Drの読み方
Various 「The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1」

...Furthermore, he often distrusted—quite without reason, but after thefatal manner of the rustic—his own intuitions...   Furthermore, he often distrusted—quite without reason, but after thefatal manner of the rustic—his own intuitionsの読み方
W. C. Brownell 「French Art」

...Having infinite trust in his intuitions, Murray thereupon made certainplans of his own...   Having infinite trust in his intuitions, Murray thereupon made certainplans of his ownの読み方
Roman Frederick Starzl 「The Martian Cabal」

...The bitter attack of Lucretius upon supernaturalreligion was based mainly upon assumptions and intuitions, as incapableof proof at the time as were the most extreme pietistic views of hisage...   The bitter attack of Lucretius upon supernaturalreligion was based mainly upon assumptions and intuitions, as incapableof proof at the time as were the most extreme pietistic views of hisageの読み方
Dr. D.M. Brooks 「The Necessity of Atheism」



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