Uponthis surface, the seventeenth chapter of The Book of the Dead wasgenerally written in red and black inks, and in fine cursive hieroglyphs...
Gaston Camille Charles Maspero 「Manual Of Egyptian Archaeology And Guide To The Study Of Antiquities In Egypt」
...And the preliminary to the use of metallic inkswas attention to the tint of the vellum...
John W. Bradley 「Illuminated Manuscripts」
...Various brown inks, principally solutions of bistre and sepia, wereadopted in sketching by Claude, Rembrandt, and many of the old masters...
George Field 「Field's Chromatography」
...The text was illustrated by Durer on themargin in pen and ink drawings in different colored inks...
Jennie Ellis Keysor 「Great Artists, Vol 1.」