

...Thus, in Idaho, she has disfranchised her sister of the street, anddeclared all women of "lewd character" unfit to vote...   Thus, in Idaho, she has disfranchised her sister of the street, anddeclared all women of lewd character unfit to voteの読み方
Emma Goldman 「Anarchism and Other Essays」

...The Governor of Idaho, Mr...   The Governor of Idaho, Mrの読み方
Various 「Mother Earth, Vol. 1 No. 1, March 1906」

... —In the United States the moose is found in five states,—Maine, Minnesota, Montana, Wyoming and Idaho...   
 —In the United States the moose is found in five states,—Maine, Minnesota, Montana, Wyoming and Idahoの読み方
William T. Hornaday 「Our Vanishing Wild Life」

...I think that it is now time for California, Montana, Washington,Oregon, Idaho and Wyoming to give grizzly bears protection of somesort...   I think that it is now time for California, Montana, Washington,Oregon, Idaho and Wyoming to give grizzly bears protection of somesortの読み方
William T. Hornaday 「Our Vanishing Wild Life」

...Like Montana, Wyoming and Colorado, the state of Idaho has wastedher stock of game, and it is to be feared that several species arenow about to disappear from that state...   Like Montana, Wyoming and Colorado, the state of Idaho has wastedher stock of game, and it is to be feared that several species arenow about to disappear from that stateの読み方
William T. Hornaday 「Our Vanishing Wild Life」

...Palmer credited Idaho with the possession of aboutfive hundred moose and two hundred antelope...   Palmer credited Idaho with the possession of aboutfive hundred moose and two hundred antelopeの読み方
William T. Hornaday 「Our Vanishing Wild Life」

...There is one feature of the Idaho game law that may well standunchanged...   There is one feature of the Idaho game law that may well standunchangedの読み方
William T. Hornaday 「Our Vanishing Wild Life」

...--From northern Idaho and Montana north toAlberta; winters south to Mexico...   --From northern Idaho and Montana north toAlberta; winters south to Mexicoの読み方
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」

...Of many specimens examined from eastern Oregon, Idaho, Utah,Wyoming and Colorado, few were typical of either parietalis orfitchi...   Of many specimens examined from eastern Oregon, Idaho, Utah,Wyoming and Colorado, few were typical of either parietalis orfitchiの読み方
Henry S. Fitch 「Occurrence of the Garter Snake, Thamnophis sirtalis, in the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains」

...SW Arco, Idaho...   SW Arco, Idahoの読み方
E. Raymond Hall 「A Synopsis of the North American Lagomorpha」

...This probability is supportedby Davis' (1939:120) report of a specimen from SalmonCreek, eight miles west of Rogerson, Twin Falls County, Idaho...   This probability is supportedby Davis (1939:120) report of a specimen from SalmonCreek, eight miles west of Rogerson, Twin Falls County, Idahoの読み方
Stephen D. Durrant 「Additional Records and Extensions of Known Ranges of Mammals from Utah」

..."Introduced at various points in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Idaho,California and Washington...   Introduced at various points in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Idaho,California and Washingtonの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...—"Rocky Mountains, especially on the eastern slopes, fromcentral Montana, northern Wyoming and southeastern Idaho, intoBritish America to Liard River...   —Rocky Mountains, especially on the eastern slopes, fromcentral Montana, northern Wyoming and southeastern Idaho, intoBritish America to Liard Riverの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...—"Western North America; north to Sitka, Alaska; south toCalifornia; east to Idaho...   —Western North America; north to Sitka, Alaska; south toCalifornia; east to Idahoの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...55°; winters south tonorthern border of United States casually as far as New Jersey, Illinois,Minnesota, Idaho, and northern California...   55°; winters south tonorthern border of United States casually as far as New Jersey, Illinois,Minnesota, Idaho, and northern Californiaの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...—"Mountainous portions of the western United States fromthe eastern base of the Rocky Mountains to the Sierra Nevada, northto British Columbia, Idaho, etc...   —Mountainous portions of the western United States fromthe eastern base of the Rocky Mountains to the Sierra Nevada, northto British Columbia, Idaho, etcの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...—Rocky Mountain region from New Mexico and Arizonanorth to Montana and Idaho...   —Rocky Mountain region from New Mexico and Arizonanorth to Montana and Idahoの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...Notes on the Birds of Fort Sherman, Idaho...   Notes on the Birds of Fort Sherman, Idahoの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

..., Salmon RiverMountains, now Lemhi Mountains, 10 miles west of Junction, LemhiCounty, Idaho...   , Salmon RiverMountains, now Lemhi Mountains, 10 miles west of Junction, LemhiCounty, Idahoの読み方
Rollin H. Baker 「Mammals taken Along the Alaska Highway」

...princeps (Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon) and Z...   princeps (Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon) and Zの読み方
Rollin H. Baker 「Mammals taken Along the Alaska Highway」

...SSW Junction (now Leadore),Lemhi Co., Idaho....   SSW Junction (now Leadore),Lemhi Co., Idaho.の読み方
James S. Findley 「Speciation of the Wandering Shrew」



scimitar   Smithland   bury  


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