...The use of hyphens was not necessarily consistent throughout this book...
John Albert Leach 「An Australian Bird Book」
...The look he got, made him cut it suddenly short and not put any more hyphens in it...
Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) 「A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, Complete」
...Capitals are in all cases insertedin the reprint where the Deity is referred to, “through” is alteredinto “thro’” all through the poem, and hyphens are insertedin the double epithets...
Alfred, Lord Tennyson 「The Early Poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson」
...It wasn'tYOURS, my dear! But we can't all have hyphens to our names, and godriving round with kid gloves on our hands and our noses in the air...
Henry Handel Richardson 「Australia Felix」