...He was the envoy who came to collectthe toll, the traditional custom of Seville, which demanded pay fromsweethearts who talk through the grille...
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez Frances Douglas 「The Blood of the Arena」
...They preferred to see one another through the grille,according to custom...
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez Frances Douglas 「The Blood of the Arena」
...A moment later the officer who had brought them to the island entered, and, closing the door behind him, advanced, saluting as he faced the grille...
Harry Collingwood 「The Adventures of Dick Maitland」
...He spoke throughout in a clear, level voice, and seemed to be concerned only to convey an absolutely truthful impression of everything to his unseen audience behind the grille...
Harry Collingwood 「The Adventures of Dick Maitland」
...At the conclusion of Benoni’s narrative a silence ensued, lasting for nearly twenty minutes, broken only by a low sound suggestive of subdued whispering behind the grille...
Harry Collingwood 「The Adventures of Dick Maitland」
...The decision was received with low murmurs of what sounded like satisfaction on the part of those behind the grille...
Harry Collingwood 「The Adventures of Dick Maitland」
...Looking out she saw the grille and theiron lamps hanging lit on either side theposts of the gate, and back of it thegarden and her mother’s home...
Various 「Ainslee's magazine, Volume 16, No. 2, September, 1905」
...I squeezed under one end, and lay wedged behindthe grille...
Various 「Astounding Stories, March, 1931」
...Rooted to the floor, both Americans watched the distant grille vanishinto the upper stone-work and heard the ghastly hissing as theallosauri herd commenced to move forward...
Various 「Astounding Stories, March, 1931」
...A hundred feet further on I saw that thepassage was barred by a grille, faintly luminous with electrification...
Various 「Astounding Stories, July, 1931」
...could see the dark man's figure behind the grille...
Various 「Astounding Stories, July, 1931」
...This inset grille here contains both microphone and speaker—ear and mouth...
Anthony Gilmore 「The Affair of the Brains」
...Ku paused dramatically, a slight smile on his enigmatic lips; then turned his head and spoke into the grille...
Anthony Gilmore 「The Affair of the Brains」
...Then, from the grille, came a thin metallic voice...
Anthony Gilmore 「The Affair of the Brains」
...Instantly Leithgow got down and hurried over to the grille...
Anthony Gilmore 「The Affair of the Brains」
merciful sapphire garrison