...We shallfind such gravitation towards home steadily operative throughout thefuture proceedings of the army...
George Grote 「The Two Great Retreats of History」
..."Consider for a moment that the lawsof magnetism, insofar as concerns therelation between distance and power ofattraction, are exactly matched by thelaws of gravitation...
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science February 1930」
...But we don't! That proves yourpoint—proves a counter gravitation...
Charles Willard Diffin 「Two Thousand Miles Below」
... where gravitation is at zero?...
Charles Willard Diffin 「The Finding of Haldgren」
...These three laws contain implicitly the law of universal gravitation...
George Forbes 「History of Astronomy」
...The law of universal gravitation...
George Forbes 「History of Astronomy」
...The Paris Academy, in 1770, offered their prize for an investigation to see ifthis could be explained by the theory of gravitation...
George Forbes 「History of Astronomy」
..., thatthe law of gravitation extends to the most distant stars, and that many of themdescribe elliptic orbits about each other...
George Forbes 「History of Astronomy」
...The explanation is, however, facilitated when it is borne in mind thatthe force of gravitation is much less on the moon than on the earth...
Robert Stawell Ball 「The Story of the Heavens」
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