...Through some law unknown to science, all dishes seemed to gravitate toward the main center of Dicky’s trencher, thereby leaving the rest of the table comparatively bare...
Various 「Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 5, June 1905」
...The fluid is then slowly poured intothe funnel and allowed to gravitate into the rectum...
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」
... but picture the fantastic illumination of the worldsthat gravitate round these multiple and colored suns as they shed floodsof blue and roseate...
Camille Flammarion Frances A. Welby 「Astronomy for Amateurs」
...In the usual construction of a triple system,the secondary star of a binary is resolvable into two, each star beingin mutual revolution, whilst they both gravitate round their primary...
Thomas Orchard 「The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'」