

...She longed to have Manuel for a butler; so silently and easily did he comport himself among the frail glassware and dainty silver...   She longed to have Manuel for a butler; so      silently and easily did he comport himself among the frail glassware and      dainty silverの読み方
Rudyard Kipling 「"Captains Courageous"」

...Gutta Percha, Porcelain, and Glassware of all kinds used in the Art...   Gutta Percha, Porcelain, and Glassware of all kinds used in the Artの読み方
Samuel D. Humphrey 「American Handbook of the Daguerrotype」

...Rows of reagent bottlesstood on the shelves, but the tables were a litter of misplacedinstruments and broken glassware where trembling hands had fumbled inheedless excitement...   Rows of reagent bottlesstood on the shelves, but the tables were a litter of misplacedinstruments and broken glassware where trembling hands had fumbled inheedless excitementの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science July 1930」

...It went over with a splintering crash of glassware...   It went over with a splintering crash of glasswareの読み方
Nat Schachner 「Slaves of Mercury」



gristle   juror   absconded  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
中国人   大惨事   理論上  

