

...Sometimes he gazes at the sky, at other times he fixes his eyes on the earth in such an abstracted way that he might be taken for a clothed statue, with its drapery stirred by the wind...   Sometimes he      gazes at the sky, at other times he fixes his eyes on the earth in such an      abstracted way that he might be taken for a clothed statue, with its      drapery stirred by the windの読み方
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Volume II., Complete」

...Crouching still lower, we gainground; the head and neck of our noble quarry are in sight; the hindstill gazes intensely...   Crouching still lower, we gainground; the head and neck of our noble quarry are in sight; the hindstill gazes intenselyの読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

...The mother, fromabove, gazes a moment in surprise, and suddenly lets herself fall, onlyto re-embrace the ball and recommence her impracticable efforts to scalethe wall...   The mother, fromabove, gazes a moment in surprise, and suddenly lets herself fall, onlyto re-embrace the ball and recommence her impracticable efforts to scalethe wallの読み方
J. H. Fabre Bernard Miall 「Social Life in the Insect World」

...The Belle Jardinière gazes into her boy's face in fond absorption...   The Belle Jardinière gazes into her boys face in fond absorptionの読み方
Estelle M. Hurll 「The Madonna in Art」

...She gazes into heaven and seems unconscious of the nymphssporting about her...   She gazes into heaven and seems unconscious of the nymphssporting about herの読み方
Jennie Ellis Keysor 「Great Artists, Vol 1.」

...Long he gazes at her fair hair, her laughing eyes, and her radiant forehead, her nose, her face, and mouth, for all of which gladness fills his heart...   Long he gazes at her fair hair, her laughing      eyes, and her radiant forehead, her nose, her face, and mouth, for all of      which gladness fills his heartの読み方
Chretien DeTroyes 「Four Arthurian Romances」

...He gazes upon her down to the waist, at her chin and her snowy neck, her bosom and sides, her arms and hands...   He gazes upon her down to the waist, at      her chin and her snowy neck, her bosom and sides, her arms and handsの読み方
Chretien DeTroyes 「Four Arthurian Romances」

...She looks out of the window at the shields with their gleaming gold, and she gazes at those who wear the shields about their necks, as they prepare for the trial at arms...   She looks out of the window at the shields      with their gleaming gold, and she gazes at those who wear the shields      about their necks, as they prepare for the trial at armsの読み方
Chretien DeTroyes 「Four Arthurian Romances」

...She looks down and she gazes up, and she sees that the tower is strong and high and thick...   She looks down and she gazes      up, and she sees that the tower is strong and high and thickの読み方
Chretien DeTroyes 「Four Arthurian Romances」



pathetic   Neosho   caramel  


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極楽鳥   生産的   不法移民  

