...He wasan eclectic in a way, and yet seems to stand as the forerunner of alarge body of artists who find classification hereafter under thetitle of the Semi-Classicists...
John C. Van Dyke 「A Text-Book of the History of Painting」
...If hedid not represent nature with the searching subtlety of later painters,he is certainly the forerunner of naturalism...
W. C. Brownell 「French Art」
...Aratus further describes the Southern Crown, butgives it no name; and in the constellation of the Little Dog he onlymentions one star, Procyon, the Dog's Forerunner...
E. Walter Maunder 「The Astronomy of the Bible」
...This state of mind was the forerunner, though probably the effect, of apainful disease, which had, doubtless, its origin in the severity andcontinuity of his studies...
David Brewster 「The Martyrs of Science, or, The lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler」