

...At the gates of the city an unnatural action struck them with a horrorthat they still felt in all its force...   At the gates of the city an unnatural action struck them with a horrorthat they still felt in all its forceの読み方
George Grote 「The Two Great Retreats of History」

...It is reading-matter, too, which, by the force of its own interest andexcellence, will do much, when fairly set in competition, to displacethe trashy and even harmful literature so widely current...   It is reading-matter, too, which, by the force of its own interest andexcellence, will do much, when fairly set in competition, to displacethe trashy and even harmful literature so widely currentの読み方
George Grote 「The Two Great Retreats of History」

...Bird's assistance, but he was helplessbefore the force of Camol's will...   Birds assistance, but he was helplessbefore the force of Camols willの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, August, 1931」

...Thornton saw him coming, and, as Buck struck him like abattering ram, with the whole force of the current behind him, he reached upand closed with both arms around the shaggy neck...   Thornton saw him coming, and, as Buck struck him like abattering ram, with the whole force of the current behind him, he reached upand closed with both arms around the shaggy neckの読み方
Jack London 「The Call of the Wild」

...As before, the Dey tried to force him to name his accomplices...   As before, the Dey tried to force him to name his accomplicesの読み方
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Vol. I, Complete」

...“In fact,” replied Don Quixote, “however it may be, these people are goingwhere they are taking them by force, and not of their own will...   “In fact,” replied Don Quixote, “however it may be, these people are goingwhere they are taking them by force, and not of their own willの読み方
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Vol. I, Complete」

...“Recollect, your worship,” said Sancho, “Justice, which is the kinghimself, is not using force or doing wrong to such persons, but punishingthem for their crimes...   “Recollect, your worship,” said Sancho, “Justice, which is the kinghimself, is not using force or doing wrong to such persons, but punishingthem for their crimesの読み方
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Vol. I, Complete」

... what has your worship to eat until I come back? Will you sallyout on the road like Cardenio to force it from the shepherds?” ...    what has your worship to eat until I come back? Will you sallyout on the road like Cardenio to force it from the shepherds?” の読み方
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Vol. I, Complete」



superficially   bruising   candles  


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労働者   不可能   集大成  

