...They are chiefly dusk or night fliers, their food consisting of insects whichthey catch on the wing...
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」
...Our Navy fliers roared outover the sea, out and over the American fleet, whose every bow was aline of white that told of their haste to meet the oncoming horde...
Various 「Astounding Stories, June, 1931」
...Andintroducing him to fliers and officials of the field, he told withgusto of Bell's falling asleep while waiting for him...
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, May, 1930」
...“He is an air mail pilot, one of thecrack fliers of the TranscontinentalAirmail Corporation...
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, March 1930」
...The onlyexplanation is that the four fliers when they reached a forty-mileheight were caught up by some body moving round Earth in that circularorbit...
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, August 1930」
...No, I'mcertain that this second satellite exists, Harding, and I'm as certainthat it's responsible for the vanishing of those four fliers...
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, August 1930」
...He began to flash dots and dashes in that quaintly archaic telegraphalphabet Watch fliers are still required to learn...
William Fitzgerald Jenkins 「Invasion」
...While I'm at it, you watch for fliers...
William Fitzgerald Jenkins 「Invasion」
..."Something like the sun rays on the one-man fliers," Grim told him,"only vastly more powerful...
Nat Schachner 「Slaves of Mercury」
...he driving fliers were easily visible now...
Nat Schachner 「Slaves of Mercury」
...Hilary, staring upward, could visualize the fliers working desperatelyat their controls...
Nat Schachner 「Slaves of Mercury」
...Overhead, the paling sky wasalready dotted with the fliers of the Mercutians; faint sounds came tothem of the clumsy thrashing of enemy patrols as they beat the woodsfor the fugitives...
Nat Schachner 「Slaves of Mercury」
...More fliers materialized in the by now brighter blue of early morning...
Nat Schachner 「Slaves of Mercury」
...To beeffective, the fliers would have to land in the valley or fly low,thus exposing themselves to the raking fire of the Earthmen's weapons...
Nat Schachner 「Slaves of Mercury」
...The heavens darkened with massed fliers,and still they came...
Nat Schachner 「Slaves of Mercury」
...A simultaneous attack,no doubt; the fliers dropping low to loose their deadly rays fromabove as the land force attacked with their hardly less deadly handrays...
Nat Schachner 「Slaves of Mercury」
...The fliers hung aimless overhead, no sparkle to their hulls...
Nat Schachner 「Slaves of Mercury」
...They were sports-men as well as scientists; butthey were just human enough to anticipate the plaudits of the worldwhich would be showered without stint upon the fliers who succeeded...
Arthur J. Burks 「Lords of the Stratosphere」
...Then get word to the leading aviationauthorities, promoters, and fliers and have them get to our Mineolalaboratory as fast as possible...
Arthur J. Burks 「Lords of the Stratosphere」
...As fliers they tookpride in their physical condition...
Arthur J. Burks 「Lords of the Stratosphere」
...The mostnumerous fliers are little insects, and the rising series stops withthe condor, which, though having much less weight than a man, is saidto fly with difficulty when gorged with food...
Simon Newcomb 「Side-lights on Astronomy and Kindred Fields of Popular Science」