... Twice he had read it now, and already was every word of that minute, clear writing graven upon the innermost fibres of his body, upon the most secret cells of his brain...
Baroness Orczy 「El Dorado」
...At his feet the dusty ants ran about, and the high red bank before him was covered by a network of roots and fibres washed bare by the rains...
(AKA Ralph Iron) Olive Schreiner 「The Story of an African Farm」
...The fibres radiate from a central point, where the insect waits for its prey...
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」
...I submitted a small quantity of these fibres to Messrs...
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」
...In the ox, the fleshy fibres of the short peroneal arise froma fibrous band which replaces the fibula, and from the externaltuberosity of the tibia...
Édouard Cuyer 「Artistic Anatomy of Animals」
...Thence its fibres whichdiverge pass to be inserted into the superior part of theposterior surface and of the internal border of the tibia...
Édouard Cuyer 「Artistic Anatomy of Animals」
...Theinterior is generally lined with plant fibres,hair or wool...
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」
...The outsideof the nest is made of fibres, cobwebs, catkins, etc...
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」
...Theybuild semi-pensile nests inthe forks of bushes or overhangingbranches at heightsof from four to twenty feet, the nests beingmade of rootlets, fibres, fine grasses, etc...
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」
...Their nests are located in bushes, ata height of generally below fifteen feet abovethe ground, being placed in upright forks, andmade of plant fibres and thistle down, firmlywoven together...
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」
...The nest was made of strips of bark and vegetable fibres, lined with grass andpine needles...
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」
..., lined with hair and fine fibres...
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」
...They are met at the sides by the lateral longitudinalmuscles, which blend, and their fibres run the whole length of theproboscis down to the extremity...
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」
straightener flagrant asunder