

...Three orfour yards from me was the nest, beneath which,in long festoons, rested a huge black snake; abird two-thirds grown was slowly disappearingbetween his expanded jaws...   Three orfour yards from me was the nest, beneath which,in long festoons, rested a huge black snake; abird two-thirds grown was slowly disappearingbetween his expanded jawsの読み方
John Burroughs 「Bird Stories from Burroughs」

...The edge of the cavity is fringed with half a score of pointed, fleshy festoons, which diverge like the spikes of a coronet...   The edge of the cavity is fringed with half a score of      pointed, fleshy festoons, which diverge like the spikes of a coronetの読み方
J. Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Life of the Fly」

...Here, in the middle of the square, the eyes of the expectantmultitude are greeted by the sight of an immense car decked withmany-coloured festoons and drawn by four horses...   Here, in the middle of the square, the eyes of the expectantmultitude are greeted by the sight of an immense car decked withmany-coloured festoons and drawn by four horsesの読み方
Sir James George Frazer 「The Golden Bough」

...Then the youngfolk repair to a wood, cut down a small fir-tree, peel the trunk,and deck it with festoons of evergreens, paper roses, paintedegg-shells, motley bits of cloth, and so forth...   Then the youngfolk repair to a wood, cut down a small fir-tree, peel the trunk,and deck it with festoons of evergreens, paper roses, paintedegg-shells, motley bits of cloth, and so forthの読み方
Sir James George Frazer 「The Golden Bough」

...The discoveries are described by Montagnani as"marble entablatures of enormous size and beautiful workmanship,with festoons and bucranii in the frieze...   The discoveries are described by Montagnani asmarble entablatures of enormous size and beautiful workmanship,with festoons and bucranii in the friezeの読み方
Rodolfo Lanciani 「Pagan and Christian Rome」

...Onthe sides are festoons enclosing groups of winged boysgathering grapes; on the ends are similar figures treadingout the grapes...   Onthe sides are festoons enclosing groups of winged boysgathering grapes; on the ends are similar figures treadingout the grapesの読み方
Rodolfo Lanciani 「Pagan and Christian Rome」

...These urns are of the most elaborate kind,carved in white marble, with festoons hanging from bulls'heads, and birds of various kinds eating fruit...   These urns are of the most elaborate kind,carved in white marble, with festoons hanging from bullsheads, and birds of various kinds eating fruitの読み方
Rodolfo Lanciani 「Pagan and Christian Rome」

...The architectural frieze and the sepulchral urn and sarcophagi of thisperiod were often decorated with festoons (figs...   The architectural frieze and the sepulchral urn and sarcophagi of thisperiod were often decorated with festoons (figsの読み方
Richard Glazier 「A Manual of Historic Ornament」

...The one main street, which does not boast of pavements, and is generallya yard deep in dust, is gaily decorated with bunting and festoons...   The one main street, which does not boast of pavements, and is generallya yard deep in dust, is gaily decorated with bunting and festoonsの読み方
Various 「Argentina From A British Point Of View」



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