...Five drachms of aloes, given when the dung has thus beensoftened, will act more effectually and much more safely thanseven drachms, when the lower intestines are obstructed byhardened feces...
Richard L. Allen 「Domestic Animals」
...—The symptoms of oak poisoning are constipation, mucus andblood in the feces, emaciation, and edema...
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」
...Rupture intothe rectum will entail a constant escape of feces through the vulva, and, ofcourse, the same condition exists when the anus as well has been torn open...
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」
...The color of the feces, at first yellow, becomes a lighter grayish yellow or adirty white (hence the name white scour), and the fetor becomes intolerable...
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」
...As the feces lose their watery characterand become more consistent, tincture of gentian in doses of 2 teaspoonfuls maybe given three or four times a day...
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」
...The feces passed by the former animals should be placed on cultivatedsoil where healthy cattle will not be exposed to them, as the bacilli producingthe disease are readily found in such manure...
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」
...14c) of microscopicsize, which pass out of the body in the feces...
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」
...The animal has an anxious look, and in a few cases there is a gastrointestinalirritation, the feces being thin, of a dark color, and of an offensive odor...
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」
...A few feces were collected and analyzed in anattempt to find the residue of such soft-bodied foods...
Dwight Platt 「Food of the Crow, Corvus brachyrhynchos Brehm, in South-central Kansas」
...Piles of feces under thick oak and mountain-mahoganychaparral indicated that the rabbits often sought shelterthere...
Terry A. Vaughan 「Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains of California」
...Fragments of the skulls of Neotoma lepida wererecovered from horned owl pellets and coyote feces...
Terry A. Vaughan 「Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains of California」
...Near the mouth of Thompson Canyon feces examinedin October 1948, contained almost exclusively the remains of prickly-pearfruit...
Terry A. Vaughan 「Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains of California」
...Remains of one of the threespecies of rabbits, cottontails, jack rabbits, or brush rabbits, occurredin 72 per cent of the feces examined...
Terry A. Vaughan 「Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains of California」
...The prevalence of chicken remains in coyote feces does not implythat these animals were killed by the coyotes...
Terry A. Vaughan 「Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains of California」
...Near the mouth of LytleCreek Canyon, in November, 1951, coyote feces contained mostlyremains of grapes from nearby vineyards...
Terry A. Vaughan 「Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains of California」
...This must bea rather unsuitable form of nourishment for coyotes, for many of thegrapes in the feces appeared nearly unaltered despite their tripthrough the alimentary canal...
Terry A. Vaughan 「Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains of California」
...Tracks and feces indicate that foxes forage under dense brush,on open rocky ridges, in riparian growth, on talus slopes, and ingroves of big cone-spruce and scrub oak...
Terry A. Vaughan 「Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains of California」
excruciating watch heal