...But nothing could be easier than to dig abroad deep ditch, which could be filled from the lake, and the overflowof which would throw itself by a rapid fall into the bed of the Mercy...
Jules Verne William Henry Giles Kingston 「Abandoned」
..."If such are to be ourproceedings (continued Xenophon), look you well into what condition thearmy will fall...
George Grote 「The Two Great Retreats of History」
...In a fortnight," said they, "yournails will drop off, and your muskets will fall from your benumbed andhalf-dead fingers...
George Grote 「The Two Great Retreats of History」
...This time, although the level continued to fall, their craftdid not quite ground...
Various 「Astounding Stories, August, 1931」
...and threw on their bow-blast strongly to check their fall...
Various 「Astounding Stories, August, 1931」
...Among the fragments a metalball that had guided the great ship still rocked idly from its fall,until it, too, was still...
Various 「Astounding Stories, August, 1931」
...Each fall, when the Yeehats follow the movement of themoose, there is a certain valley which they never enter...
Jack London 「The Call of the Wild」
...“Be that as God will,” said Sancho, “I believe it all as your worship saysit; but straighten yourself a little, for you seem all on one side, may befrom the shaking of the fall...
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Vol. I, Complete」
discoverers synchronization othello