

...His eyes appeared to have acquired multiple facets like those of certain insects...   His eyes appeared to      have acquired multiple facets like those of certain insectsの読み方
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」

...No doubt this detracted from their value as gems, yet thecharacters might have been removed and the stones cut in facets, andthese rubies would still have been the noblest in the world...   No doubt this detracted from their value as gems, yet thecharacters might have been removed and the stones cut in facets, andthese rubies would still have been the noblest in the worldの読み方
John Buchan 「Prester John」

...The hand, by the way, was remarkablefor a curious, antique-looking ring, apparently of Egyptian orEtruscan workmanship, with a projecting gem of several large facets...   The hand, by the way, was remarkablefor a curious, antique-looking ring, apparently of Egyptian orEtruscan workmanship, with a projecting gem of several large facetsの読み方
Grant Allen 「An African Millionaire」

...It had a large compoundgem in the centre, set with many facets, and rising like a pyramidto a point in the middle...   It had a large compoundgem in the centre, set with many facets, and rising like a pyramidto a point in the middleの読み方
Grant Allen 「An African Millionaire」

...The eyes are compound, the single facets forming a sort ofheap...   The eyes are compound, the single facets forming a sort ofheapの読み方
Alpheus Spring Packard 「Our Common Insects」

...The hollow is lined with facets gathered in sixes which flash and glitter in the sun...   The hollow is lined with facets      gathered in sixes which flash and glitter in the sunの読み方
J. Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Life of the Fly」

...These facets are six-sided, excepting those along the edge, which arerounded on the outside...   These facets are six-sided, excepting those along the edge, which arerounded on the outsideの読み方
Margaret Warner Morley 「The Insect Folk」

...Eyes like these, made up of many facets, we call compound eyes...   Eyes like these, made up of many facets, we call compound eyesの読み方
Margaret Warner Morley 「The Insect Folk」

...Yes, May, they are compound eyes, but I do not know how many facets theyhave...   Yes, May, they are compound eyes, but I do not know how many facets theyhaveの読み方
Margaret Warner Morley 「The Insect Folk」

...How many facets have its eyes?...   How many facets have its eyes?の読み方
Margaret Warner Morley 「The Insect Folk」

...Her body will be twice aslong, her color clearer, and more golden; her sting will be curved, andher eyes have only seven or eight thousand facets instead of twelve orthirteen thousand...   Her body will be twice aslong, her color clearer, and more golden; her sting will be curved, andher eyes have only seven or eight thousand facets instead of twelve orthirteen thousandの読み方
Maurice Maeterlinck 「The Children's Life of the Bee」

...The paradiapophysial articular surfaces are well developedand have two facets...   The paradiapophysial articular surfaces are well developedand have two facetsの読み方
John Wellman 「A Revision of Snakes of the Genus Conophis (Family Colubridae, from Middle America)」

...These orders areenclosed with a label, containing a double row of square facets andsinkings...   These orders areenclosed with a label, containing a double row of square facets andsinkingsの読み方
Dugald Butler and Herbert Story 「Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys」

...made up of many facets which catchlight at different angles...   made up of many facets which catchlight at different anglesの読み方
Harold Speed 「The Practice and Science Of Drawing」

...Tin is often added to the hot bath for the purpose of obtaining asmoother surface and larger facets, but it is found to shorten thelife of the protective coating very considerably...   Tin is often added to the hot bath for the purpose of obtaining asmoother surface and larger facets, but it is found to shorten thelife of the protective coating very considerablyの読み方
William N. Brown 「Handbook on Japanning: 2nd Edition」

...Outside themany facets of the beetle eyes...   Outside themany facets of the beetle eyesの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science February 1930」

...But as the professor turned his eyes at last from its dazzling facets,they failed him again—or so he thought—for half hidden behind ajutting crag loomed a huge cylindrical object, seemingly of metal...   But as the professor turned his eyes at last from its dazzling facets,they failed him again—or so he thought—for half hidden behind ajutting crag loomed a huge cylindrical object, seemingly of metalの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, July, 1931」

...Even now, the pale rays of the moon,concentrated by the myriad facets of that monumental diamond, werebeginning to focus on them a warmth that was uncomfortable...   Even now, the pale rays of the moon,concentrated by the myriad facets of that monumental diamond, werebeginning to focus on them a warmth that was uncomfortableの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, July, 1931」

...Right in their campfire it lay—agreat, dark-red crystal shape perhaps fifty feet in diameter, whosesurface sparkled with innumerable facets...   Right in their campfire it lay—agreat, dark-red crystal shape perhaps fifty feet in diameter, whosesurface sparkled with innumerable facetsの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, July, 1931」



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