

...It is useless to say that since the enclosing of the plateau had beencompleted, Master Jup had been set at liberty...   It is useless to say that since the enclosing of the plateau had beencompleted, Master Jup had been set at libertyの読み方
Jules Verne William Henry Giles Kingston 「Abandoned」

...Anotherand another of the strange legumes followed, one of them bursting openand scattering its contents, bright red like the enclosing pod torattle over the floor like tiny glass beads...   Anotherand another of the strange legumes followed, one of them bursting openand scattering its contents, bright red like the enclosing pod torattle over the floor like tiny glass beadsの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, August, 1931」

...I have therefore great pleasure in enclosing £100 for the benefit of the poor nuns and other inhabitants...   I have therefore great pleasure in enclosing  £100 for the benefit of the poor nuns and other  inhabitantsの読み方
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」

...Rhoads, enclosing £7 for the fugitives, £5 for thy own use, and £2 for the Vigilance Committee...   Rhoads, enclosing £7 for the fugitives, £5 for thy                  own use, and £2 for the Vigilance Committeeの読み方
William Still 「The Underground Railroad」

...In these casesone can get the eggs by simply enclosing the butterfliesin glass jars or gauze nets without even the leaves of thefood plant...   In these casesone can get the eggs by simply enclosing the butterfliesin glass jars or gauze nets without even the leaves of thefood plantの読み方
Clarence M. Weed 「Butterflies Worth Knowing」

... The egg of the Star-fish, when first formed, is a transparent, sphericalbody, enclosing the germinative vesicle and dot...   

The egg of the Star-fish, when first formed, is a transparent, sphericalbody, enclosing the germinative vesicle and dotの読み方
Elizabeth Cabot Cary Agassiz 「Seaside Studies in Natural History」

...Fitch (1947) used a method for enclosing all points of capture in a circle or ellipse that represented the home range boundaries and expressed home range as the diameter of these figures...   Fitch (1947) used a method for enclosing all points of capture in a circle or ellipse that represented the home range boundaries and expressed home range as the diameter of these figuresの読み方
Donald W. Janes 「Home Range and Movements of the Eastern Cottontail in Kansas」

...Skunk and opossum seem to be the only animals that can be safely raisedon an island without the same precaution taken in fencing and enclosing,as upon the mainland...   Skunk and opossum seem to be the only animals that can be safely raisedon an island without the same precaution taken in fencing and enclosing,as upon the mainlandの読み方
A. R. Harding 「Fur Farming」

...Theonly membrane enclosing the individual eggs is the vitelline membrane...   Theonly membrane enclosing the individual eggs is the vitelline membraneの読み方
William E. Duellman 「Neotropical Hylid Frogs, Genus Smilisca」

...30; whilst the breadth of the cranium enclosing the brain was in both almost exactly the same...   30; whilst the breadth of the cranium enclosing  the brain was in both almost exactly the sameの読み方
Charles Darwin 「The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I.」

...As the brain has not increased, the bony case enclosing it has not increased, and this has evidently affected through correlation the breadth of the entire skull from end to end...   As the brain has not  increased, the bony case enclosing it has not increased, and this has  evidently affected through correlation the breadth of the entire skull  from end to endの読み方
Charles Darwin 「The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I.」

...Paraderm: the limiting membrane enclosing the pronymphof Muscidae...   Paraderm: the limiting membrane enclosing the pronymphof Muscidaeの読み方
John. B. Smith 「Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology」

...12) and in Tro-Cortesianus 5a above the serpent enclosing the bodyof water, 65a in front of god B or D and 105b (, fig...   12) and in Tro-Cortesianus 5a above the serpent enclosing the bodyof water, 65a in front of god B or D and 105b (, figの読み方
Alfred M. Tozzer and Glover M. Allen 「Animal Figures in the Maya Codices」

...All of them have a head clearlydifferentiated from the trunk, and a skull enclosing a brain...   All of them have a head clearlydifferentiated from the trunk, and a skull enclosing a brainの読み方
Ernst Haeckel 「The Evolution of Man」

...Onthe sides are festoons enclosing groups of winged boysgathering grapes; on the ends are similar figures treadingout the grapes...   Onthe sides are festoons enclosing groups of winged boysgathering grapes; on the ends are similar figures treadingout the grapesの読み方
Rodolfo Lanciani 「Pagan and Christian Rome」

...The object is to command as many places on the board as possible--thismay be done by enclosing empty spaces or by surrounding theenemy's men...   The object is to command as many places on the board as possible--thismay be done by enclosing empty spaces or by surrounding theenemys menの読み方
Various 「The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1」

...Then there is Zama, an African city,which King Juba fortified by enclosing it with a double wall, and heestablished his royal residence there...   Then there is Zama, an African city,which King Juba fortified by enclosing it with a double wall, and heestablished his royal residence thereの読み方
Vitruvius 「Ten Books on Architecture」



apostrophize   snacks   moiety  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
絶望感   棋王戦   脱炭素  

