...Page numbers are documented as links within the source code...
Various 「Hunting in Many Lands」
...virensin northeastern Coahuila, an area southwest of the previously documented breeding range...
Emil K. Urban 「Birds from Coahuila, Mexico」
...It has been adequately documented that members of thesegenera closely resemble one another in their nesting and egg-layinghabits...
Robert L. Merz 「Jaw Musculature of the Mourning and White-winged Doves」
...Adaptive relicts of morphological nature have been manytimes documented, but characteristics associated with seasonality andtiming schedules have not...
Richard F. Johnston 「The Breeding Birds of Kansas」
...The best documented breeding occurrence wasat Neosho Falls, Woodson County (Goss, 1891:283)...
Richard F. Johnston 「The Breeding Birds of Kansas」
...The only documented colonywest of the 99th meridian was in Oberlin, Decatur County (Wolfe,1961), occupied some 50 years ago...
Richard F. Johnston 「The Breeding Birds of Kansas」
...Geographic variation in Lynx rufus from throughout the NorthernGreat Plains is poorly documented, however, and is in need of criticalanalysis...
Kenneth W. Andersen 「Mammals of Northwestern South Dakota」
...It should be emphasized thatthough all of the southward and the subsequent northwardmigrations were presumed to be along pelagic routes, detailswere poorly documented...
Stephen Leatherwood 「Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises of the Western North Atlantic」
...Thesemarkings may also be present on Atlantic specimens, thoughthey have not yet been documented...
Stephen Leatherwood 「Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises of the Western North Atlantic」
...This is a documented instance of character displacement inmammals...
Robert L. Packard 「Speciation and Evolution of the Pygmy Mice, Genus Baiomys」
Page numbers are documented as links within the source code...
Anonymous 「The Confessions of a Poacher」
...Thatthe drought of 1953-1956 had pronounced effects on stream habitatsin Kansas has been documented by Minckley and Cross (1959)...
Frank B. Cross 「Five Natural Hybrid Combinations in Minnows (Cyprinidae)」
...Readers whodesire to ascertain the source of any particular statement musttherefore consult the larger work, which is fully documented andprovided with a complete bibliography...
Sir James George Frazer 「The Golden Bough」
Cheviot doctorate Kirkcaldy